Authors Note

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I'm not satisfied with the ending. It was short, abrupt and didn't make much fucking sense. I have no idea what I was thinking honestly. You guys deserve better and I vow by this time next year this story will be redeemed and COMPLETED. No sequel. No questions left unanswered. A REAL ending.

First I have to go through and edit every chapter of course!

But I'd like to do a little Q&A to answer any questions you might have! It's my way of saying sorry and I hope I can make you guys proud!

Leave your questions in the comments and I'll sift through them happily!

Thank you for all of your love and support!


(Idk what I was thinking when I made this username but I'm too deep in to change it lol.)


I also wanted to say I wrote this when I was like 13 or 14 so that's why she's so OP. I'll be dialing it down a bit so that there will be true improvement coming soon.

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