Part 5

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"Give it up Naruto, I caught you." Iruka-sensei yells as he finds me.

"Ah, you're quick sensei, I only got to learn one Justu." I grin. rubbing my nose. 

"You were..... Training?"

"Yea, now I get a Forehead Protector right?!" I say exitedly.


"Mizuki said that if I could get this scroll and learn a jutsu I would be able to become a ninja!"

"Mizuki." Iruka-sensei echoes, clearly confused. But why? Why are you confused Iruka-sensei? I did good right? He then repeats himself in a growl as Mizuki lands on a branch behind us. I can't comprehend what's going on, but before I know it, Iruka-sensei is over me, grunting in pain. Before I can make a dirty joke, I see hes protecting me from a barrage of weapons.

Wh-what do I do? How can I help? Why do I always bring pain? I watch Iruka-sensei with wide eyes as I feel the fear rack my body. Momo-chan, Hime-chan... and.. and now Iruka-sensei. Why... why do I do this to people?

"Naruto! Give me the scroll! Now." Mizuki calls, snapping me out of my bag.

"W-Wait a minute." I stutter looking at Iruka-sensei. "Whats going on here?"

"Naruto!" Iruka-sensei yells even though he's directly above me - we that sound weird. He breathes heavily as he take out the kunai in his leg. When did he throw that one? It's all happening too fast! "Don't give Mizuki the scroll, it contains forbidden justu that can put this village in grave danger. Mizuki used you to get the scroll for himself, for his own power." I glare at Mizuki as Iruka-sensei's words processed (for once).

"Naruto, Iruka's just trying to scare you 'cuz he doesn't want you to have the scroll." At this point I'm confused. Who do I trust? Who do I choose? I try to make sense of everything, but Mizuki continues, "They've been lying to you you're whole life. Since the decree 12 years ago."

"Wh-What decree?" I ask, not sure if I really want o know. 

"Everyone knows except you. Iruka's trying to hide it from you, even now. He'd do anything to shut me up." I looked at him with wide eyes. "The decree is that no one could tell you that the nine tailed fox is inside your sister and YOU! You have the Yang side and she has the Yin. Ever wonder why her hair floats up in to Nine tails when she's mad? Or why you have whisker marks?" After that I can't hear a thing. I see his lips moving, but I can't hear what he's saying. Hime-chan and I have the Nine Tailed Fox Spirit inside of us? B-But how?

 I watch Mizuki throw the large shurikan at me, but I can't move.

"NARUTO GET DOWN!" I curl up and do as instructed.... Only for sensei to take the hit. He then told me why he did what he did. He explains how he was like me. He's a class clown like me. He wanted to be aclowledged.... Like me. But after hearing Mizuki's words I bolt from the scene, my emotions conflicting with my mind. I hide in the trees, trying to think of what Hime-chan would do right now, but nothing comes to mind. Hime-chan.. please.. help me! Tell me what to do!

As I hide, I overhear their conversation.

"Why would you protect that freak?!" Mizuki yells harshly. "The one that wiped out your family."

"I don't care what you say, You're not getting you're hands on that scroll." Iruka-sensei says. I look down and hug the scroll tighter. What's.. what's so important about this scroll? Is it more important than me? Well.. of course it is. Everything- ANYTHING is more important than I am.. maybe I should just retur-

"As if you could stop me. Don't you get it? Naruto is just like me."

"How that?" Iruka-sensei asks.

"He wants the scroll for himself, for his own power and his own vengence. That's how beasts are. He'll pour all his rage into the scroll and destroy everything."

"You're right." Iruka-sensi says. W-what? I can't breathe. I tell my brain to let me breathe but I can't convice myself enough. So it's true. Iruka-sensei never believed in me. He thinks I'm some Beast!  Some kind of freak! "That is how beasts are." Iruka-sensei continues making my eyes widen as I struggle for a ragged breath. "But that's not who Naruto is. He's nothing like a beast. Naruto and his sister are one-of-a-kind. They work hard and put effort and heart into everything they do. Sure they mess up sometimes and cause a little trouble, but... They are no beasts." I can't help but cry from joy. My heart swells and my chest opens freely. He cares. He cares! 

"Hm, so you really believe that, huh? Wel, Iruka, I was going to save you for later, but I changed my mind. YOU'RE FINISHED!" As he jumps towards Iruka-sensei I jump out. I ran my head into his, making us fly apart. With the scroll safe in my grip, I stand proudly.

"If you ever touch my sensei again, I'll kill you." I say deadly calm, mimicking Hime-chan. 

"Such big words. Show me what you can do NINE TAILED FOX!"

"Shadow Clone Justu!" I scream out, making about 200 clones. We all call out insults as he looks around confused. I grin widely, "If you're not comin', then we'll come after you."

We all attack him, only hearing his screams in the dead of night.


"And that's how I became a ninja!" I grin, telling Hime-chan the whole story as we eat breakfast.

"Man, now I wish I were there to watch my bro kick some butt!" Hime-chan smiles as she finishes her egg-yolk onigiri with bacon and vegetable filling- this is SO GOOD it rivals ramen.

"Yea.." I trail, off scratching the back of my head, embarrassed. She kisses my cheek before taking my plate and going to the sink.

"Hurry up and get dressed, we have to go to orientation and meet our new team." I nod and go to my room to change quickly.


Yin is the bad side and Yang is good. Minako has the evil side of the Kurama sealed inside of her. He is harder to control and his. Rage makes him more powerful because he doesn't hold back like the Yang side of him. If Yang Kurama were ever to unleash the beast, he would be equal to Yin. 

I hope that clears everything up!!

Edited 2018

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