Part 21

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Side Pic of chibi Koi~>

3rd P.O.V 

Ibiki watched the red haired girl in front of him. She was drawing on the back of her paper instead of doing the test. He began to get angry. Why isn't she trying? What the Hell is wrong with this child? He thought as he watched her draw. He looked at his clipboard and found what he needed. 

He looked at Koi to see that she was sleeping and not doing the test as well. Getting angrier, he looked at Kumo. Kumo was sitting back in his seat with his feet up watching as everyone failed with a smirk.

He wanted to fail them right there. He wanted to yell at them. He wanted them to lose. 

Ibiki nodded to one of the chunin standing by. The chunin nodded back before throwing three ninja stars at Team 6. But before they could touch the papers, they all caught them one way or another. Kumo caught his with his toes, Koi caught her with two fingers as she slept and Minako had hers around her pencil. 

Then in a flash they all threw the shuriken back, nailing the chunin to the wall. He tried to take it out, but noticed it was chakra in coated. How could genin chakra infuse something so quickly then throw it simultaneously to a target just like that?! It takes a chunin team months, even years to master such team work. It was like they could read each others' minds. The chunin thought bewildered with wide eyes.

Ibiki narrowed his, trying to figure out what they were planning. They were obviously ready to become a chunin, but why won't they try? It made no sense to him. 

He folded his arms giving up, but when Minako's hand entered her kunai pouch he stared. Only for her to take out red and black paint. She dipped her paint brush, that was behind her ear, into the black paint and continued what she was doing. 

Meanwhile a cirtain long-haired Hyuga was looking around with his bakugan activated. He looked at the red haried girl two seats in front of his own and smirked. So that's what she's doing. He thought knowing no one else but him knew what Team 6 was doing. I'm surprised a rookie can think like that. But even more surprised that the chunin didn't notice yet.

~~Hour Later~~ 

Minako's P.O.V 

"Time's up! Pencils down!" Ibiki barked. I sighed and put my stuff away before turning to Kumo with a puppy face. He rolled his eyes with a scoff before making the mini tornado appear. I silently cheered as it dried my picture instantaneously. 

"Time for the Tenth question." He said before explaining the rules making about 15 more teams leave. I turned around to thank Kumo for the mini tornado, when I saw Baka-chan's hand. I glared at it before attaching chakra strings on his hand stopping him from doing so. I then did it to the other nine knowing my team wasn't going to give up. When they all gasped at the lack of movement I smirked at them letting them know it was me.

"What a drag." I heard Shikamaru mutter already getting the picture. Ibiki looked at me as if he knew what I was doing. I looked at him blankly motioning for him to continue.

"You pass."

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