Part 3

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Today is the day!

I get up swiftly, ignoring my sore muscles from yesterday. I go to my closet and crawl in the depths to find a shoe-sized box. Once I find it, a huge smile is brought to my face.

"What's up old man." I called, going into the Hokage's office. He had sent an ANBU officer to retrieve me.

"I wanted to give you something." He said, showing me a box which had a red string on it. Instead of curling up normally, it curled up into the shape of a heart. Corny, but whatever.

"What's in it?" I go over to grab it.

"It was your mothers when she was a genin." I froze. My.. Mom? The lady who gave birth to me?

"C-Continue." I said, sitting down in the chair in front of his desk. I wanted to hear more of the story and not just accept it blindly. He seemed to get the hint.

"I wanted to give this to you, so I would fulfill one of her last wishes." I just nodded, not trusting my words. She thought about me.. about us. Her dying wish was a present for us.

I bow and take the box, leaving with shock evident in my eyes.

When I had looked inside, I saw it was her old genin clothes. They were still in pretty good condition.

I put on the Kimono-like tan top with brown accents, a brown belt, brown shorts, long mid-thigh brown socks and brown boots. In the box was also a green belt, a black belt, a pair of black shorts, a pair of green shorts , a pair of black socks and....... Her headband.

A tear fell from my eye as I looked at it. My mom prepared all of this.. just for me.

Put on the clip to keep my long bangs at bay and wiped my eye. Today's the day. I have to become a genin. For her.

With a confident smile I walked out of my room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the toilet. Once my teeth were pearly white I stepped out and started making eggs, rice and turkey bacon. Naruto jumps into the kitchen, making me smile.

"Hey, what's up with you're outfit?" He asked with narrowed eyes. I blushed lightly and played with the hem of the shirt.

"I-It was moms." I murmur making him quiet.

"Do you know who she is?"

"No. The Old Man wouldn't tell me, but he gave me this, saying it was moms wish for her only daughter to have it. And here." I said handing him an Uzumaki clip. "It's for you, her only son." Naruto grabbed my hand pulling me into a hug, crying. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I cry too... forgetting about the eggs on the stove.


I was sitting next to Baka-chan bored as Iruka-sensei explains the test.

".... This years test will be on the clone justu!" He announced making Baka-chan go bisurk.

"Calm down, Baka-chan. You'll do fine; you're an Uzumaki. One way or another, by tomorrow you'll be a ninja." I say, patting his head. He brightens and starts shouting nonsense, for he's my Baka-chan. And that's what Baka-chan does.

After waiting I'm called, which mean Baka-chan is next.

"Good luck Hime-chan!" He grins waving wildly, whereas I wave back lazily.

"You too Baka-chan." I smile.

Iruka-sensei instructs me to make at least 3 illusions of myself. Mizuki sits there with a false smile. I don't really like him.

Quickly, I make the hand signs for the illusion justu, not wanting any extra attention. After making 3 perfect illusions, I go to leave.

"Minako, you forgot you're headband!" Iruka-sensei calls, panicked.

"No thank you, sensei. I have one waiting for me at home." I wave before exiting the building.

I sit on the swing, waiting for Baka-chan to come out so we can leave.

3rd P.O.V

She sits on the swing trying not to listen or look at the other families around her. Her back is tense as she grips the ropes. Her hold on the thick cord is so severe, they compress at her will.

Her eyes are so focused ahead of her, she barely notices her brother walking up to her. With a blink, she snaps herself put of it and looks up at him, noticing his depressed mood.

"What happened?"

"I-I failed." Naruto stutters, tears welling in his eyes, chrestfallen. Before his sister could cheer him up Mizuki appeared.

"May I borrow Naruto for a second?" He smiles with the false smile Minako hates. Minako nods anyway, hoping it'll be a second chance for her beloved brother.

"I'll be at the Hokage's office if you need me." She pats her brother on the head before she leaves.

She takes one last look back at her brother, only to see that he's gone.. all that she sees is her reflection.

"Holy shit."

Minako's P.O.V

How could I have not realize this eariler! I mentally shout. I'm such an idiot!

I burst into my room and searched through the drawers. Clothes fly across my, once neat, room. When I can't find it, I look inside my closet. Finally finding the box of all of my old drawings, I hastily open it.

I know who my parents are.


Edited 2018

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