Part 6

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Fixing Mom's headband on my forehead, I run to the academy with Baka-chan in front. Of course I'm not running at full speed, but I doubt Baka-chan is either.

"Baka-chan," I call, making him stop and look at me. "Lets have a race! The first to make it to the room wins." I smirk.

He grins widely before replying, "I'm gonna win, Believe it!"

"Yosh, then 3. 2. 1, GO!" I yell. He takes off and I make hand signs for the clone jutsu, before taking off at my real speed.

Entering the room through a window, I look around to see Baka-chan isn't here yet. Hell yea!

3rd P.O.V

A spiky haired genin blinks in confusion and laziness. He barely has time to register the flash of red that land beside him. With a tired glance, he sees his classmate, Minako Uzumaki. He watches as she takes a quick glance around. A smirk blossoms on her face as she holds up five fingers. They slowly count down to one before her brother bursts in, panting like a dog on a hot day.

His cheers fill the classroom, "I won! I won!"

"Think again Baka-chan~" She grins, now sitting on the desk.

"Wha-what?! B-But I passed you!"

"Clone.," She says simply, making his face drop. "Look at who owes me Pocky~!" She sings happily, making sure her sketch book was still in her kimono top.

"Bu-But I saved my money for ramen," He whines feebly. She sweat drops.

"I bought some yesterday and today we're having rice and curry," With a wave of her hand, he stops complaining and decides to just sit down. She moves to take her seat between her brother and Sasuke. 

Naruto refuses to sit next to him. 

As the thundering sounds of Sakura and Ino's feet came closer, Minako is busy drawing in her sketchbook. Naruto tries to sneak a peek, but she won't let him, so he gives up. Sasuke tries to look as well, but fails.

She ignores the yells of arguing, and her brother being pushed by Sakura to see Sasuke.

"M-Minako, can I please sit there?"

"Sorry, but no."


"Because one, I was sitting next to Baka-chan - who you just pushed to the ground. Two, I'm comfortable. And three, this is my seat."

"It doesn't have your name on it, and plus I was here first!" Sakura said starting a whole new argument between Saskues' fangirls. Minako rolls her eyes before closing her sketchbook.

It's too loud for anyone to hear or notice that Minako vanishing from the room. She arrives in the office right before the Hokage, and the other Jonins, start watching from the crystal ball.

Minako's P.O.V

I jump through the window and use the wall to stop me. I look around and notice I'm in the corner of the Old Mans' office. I put away my sketchbook in my kimono top before i decide to make myself known.

"Oi," I call, making all heads snap to me. "Old Man, next time you wanna spy on us with your stalker ball, warn me first. I didn't do my hair," I grin, making him smile at our inside joke.

"Hai, hai. Welcome Na-chan.," He moves over to allow me to look at the crystal ball. I jump onto his desk, making sure that I'm comfy and the others can see.

Ignoring the stares I get, especially from the masked nin, I look at the crystal ball to see Baka-chan glaring at Sasuke. I watch as a boy laughs at his friends joke, and bumped into Naruto, making him KISS Sasuke!

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