Part 22

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3rd P.O.V 

Minako and her team were the last to leave after Anko made her appearance. It wasn't anything special to them and they didn't show much other emotion other than their usual expressions, but they were excited.

Minako met up with her team at the door before nodding to Koi. Koi dispelled the jutsu and they flashed away. Ibiki saw them huddled up by the door so he checked their papers first. Minako's was the closest so he picked it up after seeing her drawing of herself as chunin. He smirked lightly, but his smirk faded and his eyes widened as the ink from the picture dissolved. He flipped the paper over to see that all of the correct answers were in place.

He rushed to see her teammates to find that all of the answers were on there. And when you put their papers on top of each other.... A message appears.

Don't underestimate us Ibiki. We get our work done no matter what. Place a little faith in us and we'll surprise you even more. Just you wait! 

He laughed loudly at the message. These kids.... 

Minako's P.O.V 

I looked up at the gates before looking at me team. They nodded. With the scroll in my kimono top, we waited for Anko to say 'go'.

"..Set... GO!" She yelled.  Kumo took off into the forest as Koi and I jumped onto the top of the fence. The chunin looked surprise at our reflex's and strategy.

I ran with her on my back to the nearest team. Koi placed a genjutsu on them making them all scream loudly. With a smirk to ourselves we collect their scroll, our lucky day they had an earth scroll. With a grunt I took off following the path Kumo had laid out for us, using medical plants to mark the way in case we engaged in battle and so that it was subtle. 

"Thatta boy." Koi and I said at the same time. By the time we got to the tower Kumo was sitting down monk style.

"What took you so long?" He asked with a smirk.

"Nao had to use the bathroom." I told him tossing him a scroll. He opened it, as did I. After the smoke faded the Old Man stood there looking shocked. "Can I get some Pocky now?!" I asked excitedly.

"And my soda." Kumo added.

"And my ice cream plus Nao's chips." Koi said accusing him. He looked down defeatedly.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it in under 10 minutes." He said anime crying.

"Every team was most vulnerable in the first 5 seconds of the exams." I said sitting.

"So all we had to do was make it there and cast a genjustu before the 5 second window faded." Koi said resting her head on my lap.

"And the forest is like a labyrinth with genjustu users lurking so someone just had to make an unnoticeable trail." Kumo finished sitting beside Koi.

"We'll be waiting Old Man~." We said in sync before disappearing and reappearing in on of the rooms upstairs. And with that we all fell asleep as always.

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