Part 7

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Thats Kimi-sensei! I made it with the web site shown! 

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its original characters.

Now you may read.


I'm waiting in the Old Mans office for the rest of my team to show up.

"Old Man," I call, "I'm bored." 

He chuckles, taking a puff from his pipe, "Well your team should be here soon." It's already been a week since the teams were made. Baka-chan is going on his first C-ranked mission today. They should be leaving about now...

"We're here! May you bask in our presence!" Koi yells as Gin plays a fake trumpet. I clap sarcastically, before bowing lowly.

"Thank you for blessing us with your late presence." I drawled with a smirk. Gin gave a crooked one back as Koi gave a wolf-ish smile. We became really close over the week and all agreed with the dislike of our sensei. Gin said that he only likes red on me and that I was the only exception. We all had smiled then pranked Kimi. 

It was super sweet and made me smile like an idiot.

"Wheres Sensei?" Koi asks, tilting her head like a puppy/

"She's been hiding in that corner for the past hour." I sweat drop as i point to the corner by the door.

"You caught me," She smiles with false happiness. "Good job." She spits, almost making me flinch. Almost. Well that was friendly. I think sarcastically.

"Team 6, your mission is to escort Princess Layla back to her home country. This should be an easy C ranked mission." 

"Meet up at the west gates in an hour, bring any necessary weapons." I order out of habit. I always take the lead between Naruto and I. Koi and Gin nod, answering with a strong 'Hai'. I give a final nod to duo before I jump away, leaving so quickly it looks as if I shushined. I enter my room through the window as I think of what I'll need.

This mission shouldn't take more than a week. After packing my small bag, I write a letter to Baka-chan telling him that I'm on a mission, in case he's back before me. I don't need any weapons besides kunai and senbon. 

I walk down the road, towards the hotel area. I walk into one of the hotels and up the stairs to the third floor. There, I knocked on room 7C.

"Hello are you my escort?"

"Hai." I nod, showing her my authorization, so she'll know I'm not an imposter. "My team will meet us by the gates, so we should go there now." 

She nods, her long silky blue hair bobbing with her. She's wearing a traditional white kimono with pink lining and sakura petals on it. Her pink floral obi was tied tightly and a pink bow was in her half up/ half down hair. Her ruby eyes were almost concealed by the bangs on her forehead. She was really pretty.. Like gorgeous. 

"So, by the way you're fidgeting, there's more to this mission correct?" I ask, not waiting for her answer. Her reaction is enough. "Tell me what's really going on that way we can protect you better." I throw a glance in her direction.

"May I ask why you're willing to help me?" She asks softly, her right hand squeezing her left.

"You're a princess and you should have you're own guards. Yet you hired a group of children. So, obviously your country is poor and protecting you is so dangerous, no one wants to do it. Especially those from your country."

"You are correct. We don't and many want my head, being the Princess of the Night and all."

"Correct. I heard that you can grant wishes, but afterwards, they die from your hands. No one really knows why, but people want to kill you for taking away their loved ones. Others want you fir your power."

"If you knew why ask?" She asks, getting a bit angry.

"I wanted to be correct than make false assumptions. The best way to do so is to ask."

We arrive at the gates where my team is waiting. With a smile, I introduce the princess, "Alright, This is Princess Layla. We'll be escorting her back to the Land of the Night. It's about three days travel if we hurry. So the formation is-" I'm cut off by Kimi.

"Who made you sensei?" Kimi snaps.

"Sorry go ahead." I nod, letting her take control. I know I stepped out of place, so I don't complain.

"Okay I'll be in front, then Koi you next, after that will be Layla, behind her will be Kumo and finally Minako. " She says, describing us in a line. But that doesn't make sense. That formation is typically used when ninja travel, in order to maximize time. That's not ideal for protection.

"Sensei shouldn't you be in the back to scan the front, detect the back and keep your students and client safe?" I ask, knowing I'm right. "And shouldn't Koi be on the left side of Princess Layla to be able to detect any foreign smells? And shouldn't Kumo be in front to protect her since he has keen reflexes. And shouldn't I be on her right so I can cover her blind side? You know, Manji formation?" I inform her, making her fume as Koi and Kumo bark out in laughter.

"You should be sensei, Mina-chan~!" Koi laughs, draping herself over my shoulder. 

"Ha, I wish." Kumo sighs, shaking his head at our sorry excuse for a sensei. I laugh happily.

"Yosh, let's go!" I grin. They nod and bound into their places. 

We talk and laugh as we travel. The princess adds in every now and then, telling us funny stories. I laugh along happily, until I feel a sudden disturbance.

"Formation A! Now!" I yell instantly. Kumo is first to react, taking out a kunai as he swivels into position.

"Under, 9 O'clock!" Koi calls as she picks up Layla. I usher her away and she goes. She jumps through the trees as fast as she can, concealing her chakra and going downwind. 

"Kimi!" I call out to the older woman, "Follow them and take down any enemy in the way!" I yell before helping Kumo with the two shinobi. "Now!" I growl, "There was originally three of them!" She finally comes to her senses and leaves. This is so troublesome. 


Edited 2018

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