Part 30

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With a deep breath I preformed the hand signs again and felt my body being picked up from the ground. With a grunt I willed the tornado to move forward, but instead the justu dispersed and I fell to the ground. I used the momentum of the fall to land safely.

"You suck." The perv said.

"Shut up." I huffed.

"You can do the justu, but you can't control it." He mused.

"I get it, okay?" I said before doing the hand signs again, but the same thing happened. He laughed at me. "Pay attention to your student." I muttered as I sat down to meditate.

"Welcome back." He said sarcastically. "You're gonna hit me, but you can't even complete a justu."

"Haha, very funny." I muttered.

"So why're you here?"

"To train, Ja ne." I said going to a different part of my mind. I imagined a battle feild and soon it appeared. With a deep breath I entered the war. Me Vs 100+

I summoned my chakra blade and began to fight.

~~~Jiraiya's P.O.V~~~

After two hours went by, Minako was still mediating. Sometimes she'd grit her teeth or sweat, but that was it. I looked back at Naruto to see he summoned a tadpole with hind legs and front ones. Rolling my eyes I looked back at the two ladies who were now splashing each other. O-Oh yea.. I thought as a dribble of blood went down from my nose.

A gasp pulled me from my view. "Hey, what happened?" I said annoyed as I wiped the blood from my nose.

"I can do it!" Minako said happily as she got up, turning to look at me. She quickly preformed the hand signs making a tornado form around. Her eyes closed because her long firey red hair wiped around her. She then preformed more hand signs making it spark with electricity. She snapped her eyes open as the tornado moved around. "I did it!" She giggled happily, dispersing the justu letting herself fall.

She didn't try to land on her feet, but by the time I realized this it was too late.

When the dust cleared, I saw her laying there unharmed and sleeping soundlessly. I narrowed my eyes and saw chakra residue, meaning she used chakra to cushion her fall. But how can she exert that mush chakra, then absorb it back? I thought before shaking my head. She's their daughter alright.

"Come on Naruto, lets call it a wrap." I said picking up the chakra exhuasted girl. Wait, if she sat there for two hours, how is she out of chakra?


Happy Minako (remember, her shirt got ruined and that's her under clothes) ~>

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