Part 13

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Side Pic is Kumo


Koi immediately put her towel over her seeing how embarrassed she was. Minako hugged the towel closer to herself before getting up and grabbing a pair of short dark blue jean overalls. After she pulled it on she ran up to her twin brother, tackling him.

"Baka!" She said hitting him over the head. "What did I tell you this morning?!" She yelled hitting him again.

"Gomen Hime-chan! Sakura invited me to a beach party!" He wined. She sighed and helped him up.

"This is why you're Baka-chan." She said stuffing her hands into her pocket.

"And that's why you're Hime-chan!" He smiled.

"What's her name?" Chouji asked not really remembering it.

"I'm Minako Uzumaki, Naruto's twin sister." She answered shrugging at the fact that no one knew her name. She didn't really hang out with anyone except Naruto and her teammates, but on the occasional she'd play shogi with Shikamaru or cause trouble with Kiba. And plus, Naruto was more well-known.

But before anyone could talk to her more she and her team left.

~~~~Minako's P.O.V~~~~

"Okay, before we could have real teamwork we have to really know each other." I said.

"I'll go first." Kumo shrugged. We were all sitting around by a lake we found a while ago. So we claimed it as ours. "I'm the third generation Kumo Gin and I'm expected to live up to the former names of my parents. I'm supposed to be an excellent Medical Ninja and work as an ANBU Captain." He said sighing. "It's really hard to live up to when you think about it." Koi and I nodded. Medic Nin were supposed to stay out of the fight, but Kumo loves to be right in the middle of it all.

"I'm next!" Koi said leaning back on her elbows with Nao on her stomach. "I'm not a classic Inuzuka so I'm not good at Taijustu or Ninjustu, but I'm good at genjustu and weaponry. I just want to surpass my family and make myself known, and not for being an odd man out." I nodded.

"Before I say anything Koi," I called before going to her ear. " Make a genjustu for us so that no one knows what I'm about to say, but us." I whispered. She nodded and did so. Once I was sure I came out and bluntly said it. "I'm a Jinchurichi."

"That explains it." Kumo said snapping.

"What?" Koi and I said in Sync.

"You're chakra, you have two different chakra types in you. I've been trying to figure it out." I nodded.

"And my parents, they're dead." I said continuing. They flinched at my bluntness. "My goal is to better shinobis than them, make my brothers dream come true and if I can, I wanna create my own village." I ended with a smile.

"What would you name it?" Koi asked, petting and sleeping Nao.

"The Village Hidden in Red." Kumo deadpanned.

"Why red?"

"Because one day when I was a bit younger I went outside of the gates to explore and found village ruins on top of red dirt/sand. Plus my hair is red."

"Who were parents?" Kumo asked.

"Can we talk about something else?" I asked.

"Why?" He said pushing the matter.

"She doesn't have to say if she doesn't want to." Koi said defending me.

"I don't see why it's such a big deal. Why can't she just tell us? I mean we are supposed to be 100% honest with each other."

"But what if I don't know?" I ask, making it seem as if I don't.

"Well how old were u when they died?" He asked. Jeez pry much?

"I dunno." I shrug. "Most likely a couple hours seeing as I was born the day of the attack and they didn't live to see dawn." Koi look at me with gentle eyes as Kumo looks away.

~~At The Beach~~

"This is such a drag." Shikamaru said talking about how boring the 'party' was.

"Yea." Chouji said between bites.

"WE'RE CRASHING THIS JOINT!!!" Everyone's head snapped to us since we yelled so loud. Koi played the music as Kumo and I threw out the beach balls, a volley ball and a football. Everyone started laughing and hitting the beach balls.

I was wearing a brown tank top with black boxer shorts. Koi was wearing the same thing, but her shirt was purple. Kumo was wearing a grey tank top and the same blue swim trunks.

We laughed as Koi put her arms around our shoulders with a smile. We smiled too as a 'click' went off. We look up to see Sakura standing there with a camera and a big smile.

"You guys just looked so cute!" She squealed, I laughed.

"Send me a copy." I said with a smile. She blushed and nodded.

"Who knew you could be so nice?" Koi said playfully.

"Shut it up." I blushed, lightly of course. "Come on, let go have fun."

I think I like the beach....

(I was going to end here...but...HERE U GO!)

"Mina-chan! Come!" Koi called. I nodded and made my way over to her and a girl. "This is Mari! She's Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Saritobi's daughter." She introduced.

Mari had red eyes and long wild hair. She had on a baby pink bathing suit with hot pink polk-a-dots. A wide smile completed her look.


"Hey. I'm Minako." I said nonchelantly. Koi sweat-dropped.

"She does that a lot."

"Imma go play with Baka-chan. I'll see you guys later." I said before running up to Baka-chan. "Can I play football with you guys?" I asked, on his back.

"Yea! Guys! Hime-chan is playing with us, Believe it!"

"Okay, Who's team captain?"

"Minako and Kiba." Koi yelled from across the beach. I glared at her playfully making her giggle. No one had complaints so we started picking.

"Ladies first." Kiba said smirking. I smirked back.

"Then go." Everyone laughed including him, but a small blush was on his cheeks. "Fine Shino." I nodded.



"Ducky." It was worth the death glare because everyone on the beach started laughing.

"We got ball first because you picked first!" I called. Kiba nodded before looking back at his team. I looked at mine. "I'll be quaterback. Sasuke your Wide Receiver, Naruto you're a Guard." They nodded and we got in postion.

Naruto bent down with the ball.

"Set.... Hut!" I called making Baka-chan pass me the ball through his legs. I saw Sasuke and quickly threw it to him in a perfect bullet as Baka-chan blocked Kiba from getting me. Sasuke caught it.

"Hail Mary Complete~!" Koi and I yelled at the same time. Kiba had his mouth agape, Shino was Shino and Chouji was confused, Sasuke smirked and Naruto was celebrating.

"Good job Baka-chan." I complemented. "You too, Ducky!" I called to him. He grunted.

I love the beach.....

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