Part 42

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Man, I love all your comments ;3

Minako's P.OV

I can't believe it all.... One minute we're fighting.. Then the next thing I know I'm here. Why did I follow them in the first place? Why can't I remember anything?


I was chasing the two familiar men in black cloaks with red clouds. One had long black hair.. Ita-kun?

- Why am I chasing Ita-kun? -

"You can't run forever!" I yell with a growl undertone.

- Why was I being so mean to him? Did he upset me? And who's the Shark-man next to him? -

I soon caught up. We fought endlessly, hitting, ducking, dodging, and twisting to get the upper hand.

- What am I doing?! Momo will never forgive me! I'm going to get in so much trouble when I get home! Oh no, I'm doomed T^T. -

Then suddenly Sharky joins the fight and everything goes black...

Flashback End

I look around, only seeing endless stone. It looked as if it went forever in each direction, there was no way out, but then it looked as if I could walk for miles.

Where am I?!

My heart rate speeds up.

Okay, what can I remember... Okay, I'm a genin.. I'm 12.. um.. I have teammates.. I have a Sensei... ugh, what are they're names?

Suddenly I hear foot steps coming, but I can't make out from what direction. I try to move, but I now realize I'm chained. I tug at the chains, only marking my skin with its sharp metal.

Why ... Why can't I feel my body?

A cold voice brought me out of my thoughts, the eerie voice sending shivers up my spine. "Well, well, well."

I look around terrified. "Wh-who are you?"

All I can make out in the dark are a pair of cold, swirled purple eyes. I stared at them, unable to look away... I was frozen. My heart picked up its pace like a rabbit being hunted.. He slowly approached letting my horrid imagination run wild. What will he do to me? His footsteps echoed making them sound like he was coming from all directions. I'm trapped, I'm surrounded, there's no way out. The chain digs further into my skin as I try to get away.

"Leave!! Leave me alone!!" I scream, desperate. He stops, helping me breathe. Suddenly I'm falling it happens so fast... Yet it was in slow motion. One minute I'm in the air, the next I'm on the floor, yet I can remember watching him like time stopped..

Pain rips through my back and blood spurts out my mouth as I find a lack of air around me.

"Pathetic." His cold, lifeless voice sounds as he moves closer, but I can't move.. Is this how it ends?

My world slowly went black as I'm lifted off the floor carelessly as if I'm a piece of trash.

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