Chapter One: New school year

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Phoenix Diggory daughter of Amos Diggory and Cedric Diggory's daughter and younger sister she was a bright young Ravenclaw smart, clever, brave everyone knows her master pranks around school. They wouldn't believe when she would say she's Cedric's sister since he's the most nicest Hufflepuff you'll ever meet well....try living with him. The Diggory's were neighbor's with none other then the famous Weasley's just across the dirt path. Phoenix would always hangout with Ron Weasley since those two were in the same year together she's become best friends with him since and Ron introduced her to Hermoine Granger and Harry Potter.

Phoenix was preparing for her third year at Hogwarts excited to return back to school and start planning her pranks against Draco and his goons since they always act like they're better Phoenix thought Draco was the scum of the earth but nothing angered her more then Fred and George Weasley the two other pranksters in Gryffindor house they'll always find a way to tamper with her pranks or they'll come after Phoenix. This has been happening since her first year at Hogwarts since then they've been absolutely annoying which is Ron hated so much. Phoenix heard a tap at her bedroom window and seen Ron on his broom smiling as Phoenix opened the window.

"What are you doing Ron shouldn't you be packing" Phoenix chuckled

"Nah I'll do that later thought we should go on a broom ride Phe" Ron chuckled Phoenix laughed and grabbed her broom and her bag and ran downstairs to the back door.

"Going out with Ron!!" Phoenix shouted and slammed the door she jumped onto her broom and went flying off with Ron.

"So are you trying out for chaser this year?" Ron asked as they were flying over to the burrow

"Probably will honestly Hayden has been asking me all year last year" Phoenix chuckled as the two landed in the yard. Molly was out gardening with Ginny she waved as she saw Phoenix and Ron walking into the house she smiled and Ron opened the door for her. Ron and Phoenix headed upstairs and Harry was sitting there she smiled and gave Harry a hug

"How are you Harry" Phoenix smiled

"Been better" Harry chuckled Phoenix laughed and her pulled out my latest product she created for the new year.

"She's done it again" Ron chuckled Phoenix laughed and held it up for Ron and Harry to see

"This my friends is called the slime buster it looks like a firework but actually contains a gross amount of green slime" Phoenix said as she showed it off

"Blimey Phoenix just gets smarter" Harry laughed

"Shall we try it?" Phoenix laughed having a evil smirk on her face Harry and Ron looked at each other and smiled

"Fred and George actually did prank me the other day" Ron said rubbing the back of his neck

"Fear no more Ronnie I got this" Phoenix said as she snuck off upstairs to the twins room poked her head in and they weren't in they're room she planted two slime busters under both they're beds and set the trip wire for them. Phoenix chuckled as she looked over her master piece one last time before she heard Fred and George yelling throughout the house Phoenix went running back downstairs into Ron's room and told them not to say a word.

"So how's Cedric?" Harry asked as Phoenix sat back down

"He's been alright took me to London a lot this summer" Phoenix said smiling

Then Fred and George came running into Ron's room laughing as molly was shouting downstairs at them.

"Well well isn't it Ms. Diggory" Fred and George said in union Phoenix glared at them and mocked them

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