Chapter fifty: The Truth

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Downstairs in grimmauld Sirius, Remus were talking about what happened earlier that night Sirius was worried for his niece he feared she'd end up like his sister and Voldemort will try and kill her as well but news flash Sirius Voldemort already made Phoenix a target.

"I'm worried about her, my stomach tells me she's hiding something from me" Sirius said lightning a cigar

"What could you possibly think she's hiding that girl is a open book" Remus said

"Moony you don't know her like I do, yes she's a open book but I—when it comes to people she loves she takes a step back"

"Your not wrong but if anyone would know her on that side of things it would be Ron and Fred" molly said

"They don't say anything Moe I've tried" Sirius sighed softly

"Perhaps she fears she's in danger" Remus said

"NO SHIT SHES IN DANGER!!!!" Sirius shouted

"All because my sister was apart of the last order that one night moony changed everything not just for Phoenix but for Harry and it's bad enough she lost her brother in his hands!!" Sirius huffed angrily

"Getting angry will just make her more upset" molly said softly

"Maybe we should talk with Dumbledore and get all this straightened out" Remus said

"I can't do that to her" Sirius said sadly

"She'd hate me, I've seen how she was when her friends turned her back on her I can't"

"Then what Sirius! This is your niece padfoot I understand Harry is your godson but Phoenix is you're blood" Remus said

"And she's like my own child I can't sit here and watch her suffer-I made Adeline a promise before she died to take care of her" molly said

Upstairs on the top Fred sat listening to the argument feeling anxious and worried about Phoenix he was biting his nails and wondering what to do. Fred has been busy making prank products for his and George's business before Arthur was attacked, now he feels awful for not being by her side sooner. Ron walked out of the bathroom and saw Fred sitting there listening.

"What's going on?" Ron whispered Fred turned and dropped his hand from his face.

"Come mere" Fred whispered

Ron walked over quietly and sat down next to Fred.

"They think she's hiding something" Fred whispered

"Really—she hasn't said anything to me" Ron whispered

"Apparently you know who has been getting into her head from what Sirius is saying" Fred whispered

"I'm worried Fred, Harry seems to be fine beside the scare but Phoenix seems to have it worse but why?" Ron said

"What do you mean?" Fred whispered

"Think about it Fred she has legilimacy, she can talk to Fawkes one of the rarest birds, she has very fast healing, can take the imperio curse and don't forget very very quick reflexes"

Fred sat there in this thought thinking about what Ron has said for once to Fred Ron made sense but now they needed to find out what exactly Phoenix was.

"Ron your right but what exactly could she have I mean she already is perfect" Fred smirked Ron rolled his eyes and shook his head

"Enough with that" Ron whispered shouted

"But if anything now don't laugh but Hermione was mentioning something how the heir of the firebird great granddaughter was to be reborn one day what if Phoenix was the heir of the Firebird " Ron whispered Fred couldn't help but laugh quietly and patted his brother's back.

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