Chapter Sixty-One: The dinner party

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Phoenix avoided Ron and the others that day up till Phoenix walked out of the port wearing a short red lace dress. Phoenix looked up and saw Ron smiling at his friend

"You ready?" Ron asked Phoenix smiled and linked arms with Ron and the two headed downstairs to the basement

"So where've you been all day?" Ron asked

"Just making sure everyone is ready for tomorrow" Phoenix lied Ron nodded and opened the door to slughorns. Phoenix walked in and saw Blaise and Theodore sitting next to each other and Phoenix felt herself lose air and didn't look at them. Ron and Phoenix took a seat next to Harry and Hermoine. Blaise and Theodore chuckled seeing how nervous she was. Dinner began and Ron and Harry lighten the mood telling slughorn about last year with Dolores.

"Oh Phoenix I remember when your mother set the girls lavatory on fire because Cora lestrange set her homework on fire" slughorn laughed Phoenix bursted out laughing knowing her mother would always pull a prank on her father

"Sounds like my mum she was always the one for laughter" Phoenix chuckled, slughorn cleaned the table and brought desert out. Phoenix looked over and could hear Blaise thoughts loudly

"Bro we need to apologize malfoy is off his rocker" Blaise thought

"Dude if Devin finds out we're screwed" Theodore thought Ron noticed Phoenix's nose began to bleed and realized she was using her legilimacy. Ron snapped her out of her trance and excused themselves from the table. Ron took Phoenix into the bathroom close by and summoned a cloth and cold water

"Bloody hell Phoenix are you crazy" Ron said as he placed the wet cloth under her nose. Phoenix took the cloth and looked at Ron

"Relax Ron I was just trying to get answers" Phoenix said Ron looked at Phoenix confusedly and she sighed

"If I tell you, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone not even Fred" Phoenix whispered Ron nodded and held his pinkie out. Phoenix wrapped her pink around his and sighed as she removed the cloth and showed it Ron her bruises, they've gotten worse and turned yellow almost, Ron gasped and Phoenix dropped her dress down

"Draco jumped me last night with the help of Blaise and Theodore" Phoenix said softly

"Why didn't you tell me sooner we were literally sitting across from them" Ron whispered shouted Phoenix slapped the side of his head and sighed

"Because Draco knows we know about what happened to Katie dimwit he's scared and beside you really think im going to let them get away with it" Phoenix whispered Ron sighed and looked at Phoenix helplessly

"I hope your right" Ron said Phoenix smiled and hugged Ron

"When have I ever been wrong" Phoenix laughed


The next morning before Gryffindor and Slythrins first quidditch game began, Phoenix walked over to Devin bell one of her dear friends she hasn't spoken with in a while. Devin saw Phoenix walking over and told matheo and Blaise to sit somewhere else Matheo smiled at Phoenix while Blaise couldn't even look at her. Phoenix sat down with Devin and smiled

"Long time no see how's everything?" Devin smiled

"It's been going but—erm I have a favour to ask" Phoenix said Devin leaned in seeing the smirk on Phoenix's face

"Do go on" Devin chuckled

After Devin promised Phoenix he was going to beat the crap out of Draco and the others she happily walked down to the quidditch pitch to sit with Hermoine. Harry and his team flew out and Phoenix began cheering for Ron as he flew over to the goalpost,

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