Chapter Seventy-Two: I'm so sorry

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warning: SMUT readers please advise :)

It's been almost a month since Phoenix and the others have been in hiding and each and very day seemed to be longer then the other as they all we're still in search for the four other Horcruex before Voldemort kills more muggle-born and half-blood even blood-traitors but everyone was on the hunt for Phoenix and Harry as they all thought if they turned the two in Voldemort would end all the torture and suffering but Voldemort just wanted them for more power since he can control them both. Phoenix sat on her bed in the tent next to Hermione's as she studied and read through the oblivation spell thinking about more and more each day while Hermione sat they're with a sad look on her face since she knew Phoenix was talking about casting the spell soon.

"Hey we're going on a hunt to find food and fresh water care to join?" Ron asked as him and harry we're getting ready to head out. Phoenix closed her book and her and Hermione both joined the boys as they adventured out to find supplies. The weather had began to change and fall was coming, the four searched till they found a little stream to collect water and Phoenix found a blueberry bush. Ron went fishing while Hermione was collecting wood for a fire and everything seemed peace just for that moment everyone was quiet listening to the stream and the sound of the wind as it blew. Phoenix looked up and seen a man standing over her she got scared and fell over before getting to her feet and whistled to get the others attention.

"Hello pretty girl" Maron smirked, Phoenix slowly walked towards Ron and he got in front of her

"Voldemort offered a pretty Penny for you and potter" Alec chuckled as they moved forward slowly.

"Tell Voldemort he can died before he gets his hands of them" Ron spat, Maron and the other snatchers laughed hysterically at them before Maron turned back around and smirked at the group. Phoenix clenched onto Ron's hand as her heart began to beat out of her chest

"Well don't just stand there......snatch them" Maron said the snatchers started walking forward and Hermione, Phoenix, Ron and Harry all started running to get away, Phoenix broke apart from Ron and the group split up in different parts of the forest. Alec and Tudor went running fast after Phoenix while Maron and the others went after Harry. Phoenix ran fast as fast as her legs could carry her hitting tree branches and sticks on the way but that didn't slower her down, Phoenix looked back and saw Alex and Tudor jump down from the trees and gained on her, Phoenix shot a spell quickly but missed Alec shot a spell that greys her head quickly and she stumbled but got to her feet.

"Get back here!!" Alec shouted suddenly someone grabbed Phoenix and covered her mouth as they hid behind a tree. Alec and Tudor looked around to find Phoenix confused on where she disappeared to

"Over here!!!" Amery shouted and Alec and Tudor ran off in hopes they caught Harry. Phoenix began to panic and elbowed the person who grabbed her, he let got of her and Phoenix turned to see Fred leaning against the tree holding his stomach. Phoenix couldn't believe Fred was standing in front of her, he hasn't changed a bit beside the pale face and the sunken eyes with dark circles, Fred looked at Phoenix feeling overwhelmed and happy that finally after four months he finally has a chance to speak with her. Phoenix held her wand up to Fred's neck, she was scared, relieved all the emotions and feelings she had all came flooding back.

"Phoenix—easy" Fred said softly as he raised his hands up

"Easy! Don't! Don't you dare tell me to take it easy!! After you betrayed us!! I should jinx you right here right now!!" Phoenix said angrily, Fred looked and saw Phoenix's left eye was white meaning he really did hit her the night they transferred Harry back to the burrow.

"Your eye" Fred whispered Phoenix smacked his hand away from her face but Fred grabbed her so she could listen but she kept fighting it

"NO!! Your just going to turn me in!" Phoenix shouted as she tried getting away, Fred turned her and grabbed her face so she could look at him and all she saw was his eyes turn soft like how they always were when he'd look at her and made a small smile on his face. Phoenix felt this voice telling her to listen to Fred, Phoenix relaxed and lowered her wand and Fred let go of her

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