Chapter Thirty Eight: The silence

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Phoenix had to return home early to plan her brother's funeral since Amos was too heartbroken to do so. With the help of molly they planned and back at Hogwarts Dumbledore had a little memorial for Cedric Diggory.

"This wasn't a accident.... Cedric Diggory was murdered.....he was murdered by Voldemort but the ministry wished me not to tell you but you all have a right to know. Cedric Diggory was a exceptionally hard working, strong, loyal, brave young man and we will live everyday honouring his memory WE MUST!!!" Dumbledore announced 

Phoenix didn't say goodbye to Fred nor Ron when she left during the night Fred held his head down as Dumbledore continued the memorial. He couldn't stop thinking about that night hearing her cry, pleading for her brother to wake up all Fred wanted to do is be they're for her and he knew once Fred returned home he's going straight over to Phoenix. Back home the Diggory house was quite and dark Amos couldn't bare loosing Cedric and he's been locked in his study putting his mind to his work and Phoenix laid in bed crying and thinking about that night looking at her brothers corpse and feeling like she had nobody anymore. Molly has been trying her hardest to get Phoenix to speak or at least eat she's been over the the Diggory house since Phoenix returned for the funeral and she hasn't spoken a word.

"Phoenix dear" molly said softly as she poked her head into her room, the curtains we're closed and Phoenix laid they're facing away.

"Ron comes home today and thought it would be a good idea to bring you along" molly said softly Phoenix shook her head and molly sighed

"Dear you don't have to say a word" molly said

"NO MOLLY!!!" Phoenix shouted angrily

"Now Phoenix! You can't just lay here all day and it wasn't a invention you're coming" molly huffed and slammed the door. Phoenix cried and felt disgusted with herself all she wanted was her brother she knew at the station everyone would be looking at her. Phoenix put on a over size sweater and leggings not caring how she looked. With a sigh Phoenix slumped her way downstairs and her and molly left to the train station, Phoenix waited quietly and looked around to see people whispered and pointed at Phoenix since the daily prophet made an article about Cedric's death the whole Wizard world knew. Phoenix stood behind molly and all she wanted to do is scream but she didn't have the energy to, the train pulled in and the students all got off the train pushing and shoving through to get to they're parents. Molly ran over to her children and hugged them tightly while Phoenix stood in the back scared and sad. Hufflepuff smiled sadly at Phoenix as they walked by and she just wanted to punch them all of them since everyone knew Phoenix was Cedric's sister. Ron saw Phoenix standing by the entrance and molly encouraged him to go over they're. Ron walked over and Phoenix glanced up at Ron and tears began to stream, Ron pulled Phoenix into a hug and held her as she sobbed

"W-we were supposed to come home together" Phoenix cried

"Shhh" Ron said smoothly Ron looked back to molly and the others and molly gave Ron a reassuring smile and the two walked out of the train station together with Ron's arm wrapped around his best friend tightly. Fred tried going after Phoenix but molly stopped him and pulled him back

"One at a time" molly said

"B-but mum" Fred said as he watched his other half walk out of the station

"No buts this has been the first time she's talked nor seen her best friend since the funeral I suggest you wait" molly said

Fred groaned and the Weasley family went back to the burrow while Ron and Phoenix sat under the willow tree outside Phoenix's home. Her and Cedric always played in this tree and whenever Phoenix missed her mum they'd sit under this willow tree and talk for hours. Phoenix didn't say anything for a long time and Ron tried making Phoenix smile but nothing worked and Ron knew she was broken, grieving over her mom and now her big brother.

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