Chapter Sixty-Five: The chocolates

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Valentine's Day rolled around and all the couples throughout Hogwarts was getting ready, the great hall was decorated with pink and floating and hearts with rose petals falling from the roof. Phoenix walked into the great hall hating the fact she had to spend it alone. Her first Valentine's Day with Fred the two went to hogsmade and Fred bought her beautiful blue roses, the second year they were together Fred and Phoenix spent the night in astronomy tower and now this year Phoenix was stuck at a place where she thought was home but more lies laid within the walls. Phoenix sat down next to Harry as she watched Ron and lavender leave for hogsmade

"She disgusts me" Phoenix said rolling her eyes to Lavender

"I see someone isn't in the great mood today" Harry chuckled, Phoenix rolled her eyes once again looking around at the happy couples smiling and leaving for the day and Phoenix just wished she could spend it with Fred. Harry leaned over and passed her a note,

"Upstairs, Astronomy tower" Harry smiled as Ginny sat down. Phoenix opened the note and recognize the hand writing.

"Well...go on then" Ginny smiled at Phoenix, she got up fast and went bolting up to astronomy tower pushing and shoving through people as they past her. Phoenix slammed the astronomy door open and bolted up the stairs to see Fred standing on the balcony, he turned and smirked over to Phoenix

"Did you really think I'd leave you alone on this day" Fred chuckled Phoenix ran over to Fred and he swept her off her feet and kissed her deeply.

"I thought you'd be busy" Phoenix said softly

"Actually I left George and Lee to tend to the shop since those two been leaving me to clean the messes up" Fred chuckled, Phoenix smiled and hugged Fred tightly since she missed him dearly since she doesn't even know who to trust nor what to say to Sirius.

"So beautiful what would you like to do today?" Fred smiled as he set her down

"Actually I've—I've been meaning to ask you something" Phoenix said looking up at Fred and he grew a bit nervous, Phoenix took Fred's hand and the two walked out on to the balcony, the breeze was cool and the sun was shining as snow sparkled beyond the horizon.

"Last month I talked to someone and they told me Sirius was lying about the ministry and I just wanted to ask if you knew?" Phoenix asked worriedly, Fred let out a gulp and shook off the nerves as Dumbledore's voice kept playing in Fred's head. Fred looked down to Phoenix and smiled softly as he tried not to look guilty

"I—I don't know anything I thought Sirius never lied" Fred said curiously

"Well everyone lies so they could stay protected but it doesn't make sense why lie, this whole dark lord thing has become exhausting" Phoenix sighed heavily and Fred could see how exhausted and afraid she truly was. Fred waved his wand and a blanket and a picnic blanket appeared onto the balcony and Fred held a blue rose in his hand

"M'lady" Fred smiled softly, Phoenix kissed his cheek and wrapped her arm around his waist

"It's perfect Freddie" Phoenix said happily. Fred and Phoenix spent the day up in astronomy tower together since he felt bad the two didn't spend a lot of time together at Christmas and the fact Fred felt extremely guilty for lying to Phoenix about the truth. The two skipped dinner and laid down on the soft blanket watching the constellations on the ceiling.

"So mum started talking to me again" Fred chuckled softly Phoenix smiled softly and laid her head on his shoulder and watched as a shooting star flew across the room.

"Aside everything, I'm glad your here" Phoenix said softly Fred kissed her forehead softly and pulled her close to him

"Me too love, I've missed that beautiful face of yours" Fred said softly

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