Chapter Twenty-One: The storm

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Warning: Smut/ Abuse mentioned!!!!!!


As august was upon and the world quidditch cup was next week Phoenix was getting excited to see the Irish play. Fred, George and Phoenix are betting who would win that night and Ron and Phoenix are still going at it with the prank war against the twins. As Fred and George filled her exhaust pile with purple glitter which Phoenix made them clean and she got Ron to hide they're prank bag in the garden with the gnomes which Phoenix absolutely hated because they bite her ankles. Dad, Cedric and Phoenix been spending the last week in a half trying to fix they're house but the hole and the leaking was getting worse and the back door was coming off the hinges and our lucky couldn't get worse because there's supposed to be a storm tonight and mine and Cedric's room are right under the hole so we've been trying to fix it before tonight.

"Phoenix could you go ask Arthur for some more wood please dear?" Amos asked as he was trying to fix Cedric's room. Phoenix grabbed her shoes and headed out on the dirt path. Phoenix heard laugher and shouting as she walked into the house.

"Phoenix!" Ron said as Phoenix walked into the kitchen

"Hey Ron Arthur my dad is asking for more wood for the house" Phoenix said smiling over the table

"Of course Phe Ron could you help Phoenix take it over" Arthur said Ron got up and headed out the back door and Phoenix sat down next to Ginny. Fred and George were outside still looking for they're bags and she glanced over and laughed at the two.

"How's the house dear?" Molly asked as she handed her a little plate of eggs and bacon

"Not good molly the hole is getting worse and it doesn't help they're a storm coming" Phoenix said as she started eating molly and Arthur looked at each other and Arthur nodded

"Well if you can't get it fixed they're two extra bedrooms upstairs Charlie's old room and Arthur just made a guest room on the attic" molly said Phoenix smiled and thanked molly

"I'll tell my dad" Phoenix said as she placed the dish in the sink and hugged molly Phoenix headed out the back door and saw Fred kick a garden gnome over the fence.

"They're devils aren't they" Phoenix chuckled Fred looked over to me and glared

"Where did you put it?" Fred asked Phoenix shrugged her shoulders

"That wasn't my doing that was Ron's you guys think I'd go that low" Phoenix said crossing her arms

"Yes" Fred and George said in union Phoenix rolled her eyes and flipped them off.

"You ready phe?" Ron asked Phoenix nodded and waved goodbye to Fred and George

"I'll come by later and maybe I'll be nice and help" Phoenix chuckled as she walked off with Ron. They walked down the dirt path laughing at Fred and George

"So where did you hide the bags?" Phoenix asked Ron chuckled and repositioned the wood in his arms

"In the barn but I told them the garden just because of the gnomes" Ron chuckled

"Ah Ronnie I've taught you well" Phoenix chuckled as she wiped fake tears away. They walked into her house and Ron saw how bad the house has become.

"That bad huh?" Ron asked

"Yeah and Malfoy still won't bargain" Phoenix said as they walked upstairs

"But you're mum did offer to take me and Cedric tonight so we'll see" Phoenix said as she took the wood from Ron and placed it in Cedric's room

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