Chapter Forty-One: The dark cold voice

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"Are you sure it's alright?" Hermoine asked as Phoenix was getting dressed for breakfast

"Yes Hermoine I told you last night it's beautiful" Phoenix smiled

The two girls walked downstairs with smiles on they're faces and Phoenix with a brand new hair cut, last night Hermoine cut her hair short and that made her waves look absolutely beautiful. When Phoenix walked into the kitchen Fred looked up at Phoenix and dropped his fork and Ron looked up and smiled at his best friends new hair cut.

"That looks nice phe" Ron said Phoenix smiled and sat down next to Fred and he smiled down at Phoenix

"You look stunning" Fred said George rolled his eyes and made fake puking noises but Fred jabbed his elbow into his twin.

"I think it's time for the both of yous to get a hair cut" molly said as she served Phoenix pancakes

"Absolutely not" Fred and George protested

"I think so" molly huffed

"We think not" Fred and George said in union





"FRED GIDEON WEASLEY AND GEORGE FABION WEASLEY QUIT ACTING LIKE CHILDREN AT ONCE IM CUTTING YOUR HAIR WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!" Molly shouted cause Fred and George to be quiet right away while the other snickered and laughed. Phoenix couldn't help but laugh at how quickly Fred shut his mouth. Fred and George glared at Phoenix who couldn't hold in her laugh anymore.

"You tell them molly" Phoenix laughed
After breakfast Sirius and Phoenix were sitting together in the smoke room as
Phoenix drew when mad eye came walking on with a smug look on his Phoenix looked up and saw Mad eye standing in the doorway

"Harry used magic outside of school he's been expelled" Mad eye said Phoenix was shocked but she wondered why also

"The order is planning on saving him" Mad eye added

"Poor Harry" Phoenix mumbled before her head began to hurt so Phoenix excused herself and left leaving mad eye and Sirius to discuss Phoenix walked upstairs in her head before she bumped into Fred

"You okay love?" Fred asked

"Yeah I'm just tired" Phoenix said softly after swearing the order not tell anyone else what had happened to Harry even though she felt bad she couldn't risk it

"You sure love?" Fred asked Phoenix simply nodded before walking into her room seeing as Hermoine must've been with Ron discussing things about Harry Phoenix decided to take a nap. Phoenix climbed into bed and wrapped herself up in her blankets Phoenix's legilimacy was acting up and she broke down crying as they began to talk about her family. Phoenix felt like she was abandoned but was also angry at the world for making her apart of the prophet all Phoenix wanted was a happy life but deep down she feared that Fred would get hurt. Phoenix went downstairs for dinner as and all throughout dinner Phoenix couldn't get her family out of her head and she found her mind wondering and her legilimacy started to act up.

"Your next Phoenix burn them burn them now and join me"

Phoenix dropped her fork and looked around to see everyone in they're own conversation Phoenix let her eyes wonder and then a sharp pain ran through her head and she immediately dropped her fork into the floor.

"They're dead because of you"

"He's next your father is next"

Pain continued to run through Phoenix as Sirius took Phoenix out of the kitchen and took her upstairs to a quiet place.

"Join me diggory"

Sirius brought her into the music room and sat her down on the couch and opened the window her headaches began to worsen and she leaned up against her uncle and felt her eyes began to heavy as she let out another sob. After a while Phoenix's calmed down and drifted off to sleep seeing how exhausted she was. Sirius noticed Phoenix fell asleep on him so he placed her on the couch and tucked her in knowing how exhausted she must be.

"Sleep well pup" Sirius smiled as he walked downstairs to finish dinner but Fred and Ron weren't convinced they knew it had something to do with her legilimacy. A few hours passed when Phoenix woke up a nice fresh breeze coming through the window and Phoenix felt a bit better, Phoenix walked out of the music room and saw Fred and Ron sitting in the hallway till they noticed Phoenix sitting down beside them

"Hey phe" Ron said softly

"You alright bubs?" Fred asked

"I'm alright just a bit sore" Phoenix said the two hugged Phoenix and Ron bid Phoenix a Goodnight before she looked at Fred with a soft smile

"Shall we get you to bed" Fred said softly Phoenix nodded and Ron and Fred helped her up as Phoenix felt very exhausted still those headaches are taking a toll on Phoenix shut her door and Fred climbed into bed and pulled Phoenix into his chest and held her. Phoenix looked up at Fred and kissed him softly

"I love you Freddie" Phoenix whispered as she broke apart and ran her fingers through his hair as she closed her eyes

"I love you most" Fred said softly



Short chapter been stressing out lately and haven't had the best ideas but hopefully the next chapter will be better. — K

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