Chapter Two: The Hippogriff

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The next morning Phoenix woke up early and got changed into her uniform and straighten her hair before heading downstairs to the great hall. phoenix saw Ron stuffing his face as usual while Harry and Hermione were discussing they're timetables. Professor Flitwick handed Phoenix her time table and she sat next to Ron.

"What do you have this semester?" Ron asked

Phoenix looked down at her timetable and saw she had care of magical creatures after breakfast with Hagrid then after lunch Phoenix had defense against the dark arts and then She had charms with Flitwick. Phoenix passed off my time table to Harry, Hermione and Ron and Phoenix poured herself a cup of tea she looked up and saw Fred looking at Phoenix from across the table while George and Lee Jordan were playing around with some sort of rocket.

"What" Phoenix mouthed shooting a death glare at Fred he shook himself out of his trance and went back to eating his breakfast.

"I heard you have detention with my brothers tonight" Ron chuckled Phoenix rolled her eyes and slapped Ron's shoulder

"Yeah I'm not happy about it" Phoenix said annoyed Harry, Hermione and Ron all chuckled

"What" Phoenix said as she raised raised eyebrows and crossed my arms

"Nothing it's just I gave Fred and George shit for breaking you're mothers necklace yesterday and Fred just went red" Ron said Phoenix glanced back to Fred and scoffed

"Someone has a crush" Hermione teased

"Yeah okay guys" Phoenix said rolling my eyes.

After breakfast Ron, Harry and Phoenix went to care of magical creatures that Hagrid was teaching them this year. Some Hufflepuff's waved as Phoenix walked by everyone in Hufflepuff knew she was Cedric's little sister. They met with Hagrid and the other students and started walking through out the forbidden forest they walked for a while and Phoenix kept laughing as Ron and Harry complained how tired they were once the class finally stopped in this little opening in the forest.

"One sec" Hagrid said as he disappeared beyond the tree.

"Can you believe we got this big ouf teaching class just wait till father hears about this" Draco groaned

"OI potter heard you fainted did you really" Draco laughed I turned to Draco

"Hey Draco is it true you're nothing but a whinny daddy's boy" Phoenix sneered Draco stopped and glared at Phoenix Everyone started gasping and she turned to see Hagrid bringing a real life hippogriff out from the bushes Phoenix gasped in amazement while the rest of the class stood in fear.

"Now this yer is Buckbeak he's a very misunderstood creature and yes they can kill you with they're claws within seconds" Hagrid explained

"Now who wants to try" Hagrid said as Buckbeak stood on his back legs. All the students stepped back in fear and Phoenix stepped forward without even thinking twice.

"Ah Mrs. Diggory very brave of you" Hagrid said

"Well nice knowing you Phoenix" Ron whispered to Phoenix and winked at Ron as she carefully put her hand out and slowly walked over to Buckbeak. He sniffled Phoenix's hand and looked at her

"Bow" Hagrid whispered

Phoenix smiled and bowed in front of Buckbeak waiting for a response which could go either way Buckbeak can either rip Phoenix to shreds or he can bow with her. Suddenly the class gasped as Buckbeak bowed his head to Phoenix letting her know he trusts Phoenix she stood up slowly and petted Buckbeak gently.

"Now Phoenix time for the fun part" Hagrid said as he walked over and lifted Phoenix onto Buckbeak's back.

"Wait what?!" Phoenix said nervously

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