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Jane Weasley a Ravenclaw was up late one night after a detention for setting a niffler lose in professor longbottoms green house she walked back to Ravenclaw tower making a detour through the hall of the fallen headmaster Mcgonagall put it up after the battle of Hogwarts to remember the fallen students who died protecting the school. Jane was blown away after learning what her mother did to protect the school and everyone thought Jane was a legend for being Phoenix's and Fred's kid when mcgonagall found out Phoenix was alive she smiled for the first time in years as Jane looked around at the portraits she came across this one portrait a boy with brown curly hair with blue eyes wearing a Hufflepuff uniform as he smiled down at the girl. Jane was confused who this boy was and used her beautiful Redwood wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" wand and cast a light charm to get a closer look, Jane read the name and smiled softly "Cedric Amos Diggory"

"You look familiar have we met?" Cedric asked kindly Jane smiled and shook her head as she looked up to the portrait

"No sir but my mom has told me a lot about you" Jane said kindly Cedric smiled and looked down to see the same blue eyes that his sister once had

"Who's your mum?" Cedric asked kindly Jane smiled softly Seeing that Cedric was her famous uncle she heard so much about

"Phoenix Diggory well Weasley now but she's my mom" Jane said happily Cedric gasped and smiled ear to ear to know Phoenix survived and started a family

"And what's your name love?" Cedric smiled softly

"Jane Amos Weasley" Jane introduced Cedric smiled softly at his niece he couldn't believe how much she looked like Phoenix but he wished he could've been there for her

"Well jane I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" he smiled and janes eyes widened

"So it's true your my uncle mom talks about you all the time she misses you dearly" Jane said Cedric knew how much Phoenix missed her brother but he's always been by her side and she's grown up so much and Cedric couldn't be prouder. Jane and her uncle talked for hours as Jane was telling Cedric how much she wanted to try out for quidditch next year and how much she loved care of magical creatures class with Hagrid and Cedric couldn't be happier after they're visit Jane went back to her dorm shared with her new best friends Ophelia lovegood and Cara Malfoy Draco's oldest daughter. That night Jane sent a letter to her parents and told them what she discovered and when Phoenix got the letter she couldn't help but cry thanking Cedric for looking out for Jane while she was away even though Cedric was gone his soul still lived on not only in the castle but in Jane as well. Every day after class since that night after detention Jane would go visit Cedric's portrait and tell him about her day and what she's learned so Cedric didn't feel like he was missing anything with his niece and those two began to have a beautiful bond Jane wanted since her mom told her about her brother and that's something Jane has always cherished and so did Phoenix.

This is my first official book hope everyone likes it. I may have cried writing this but it was a sweet ending I'm currently working on another book which should be posted soon......thank you all so much :)

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