Chapter Fourty seven: Uprising

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That night Fred and George snuck Phoenix into the party, since Umbridge's arrival nobody has been allowed to have any celebration of any kind and professor McGonagall thought it would be a good idea to celebrate the win and of course annoy Umbridge. Led lights hung from the roof and music was blasting while everyone was smiling and dancing around the common. Phoenix stood off to the side having a conversation with Hermione while Ron, Harry, Fred and George were all laughing hard as they all goofed around on the dance floor. Phoenix smiled over to them and Ron noticed

"OI COME ON!!!" Ron slurred

"And how many have you had to drink?" Phoenix chuckled as Ron and Harry came dancing over

"dunno" Harry and Ron laughed

"Now come on" Ron said as he pulled Phoenix to the dance floor and Harry took Hermione. Fred saw Phoenix and Ron dancing and laughing till they're faces went red. Fred slid over and spun Phoenix around to face him

"Hello beautiful" Fred said with a cheeky grin Phoenix could smell the alcohol on Fred's breath and could see his flushed cheeks.

"Hi Freddie" Phoenix giggled, the song ended and everyone clapped and cheered as safe and sound by capitals came on. Everyone from Gryffindor got on to the dance floor and start screaming away the lyrics even professor McGonagall was dancing with the other students. Phoenix, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Fred, George and Lee all were dancing around with each other have a great time all laughing together and smiling it was almost like nothing happened and Phoenix could actually breath. George and Lee through Phoenix on to they're shoulders and started jumping around.

"I could show you love in a tidal wave of mystery You'll still be standing next to me" everyone clapped as Phoenix sung along with everyone, Lee threw Phoenix in the air and Fred caught her as she laughed hysterically

"You could be my luck Even if the sky is falling down I know that we'll be safe and sound, We're safe and sound, We're safe and sound, We're safe and sou—

Suddenly the music stopped and everyone shouted wondering why the music stopped. Then Umbridge walked forward holding the plug in for the boom box with a smile on her face. McGonagall glared while everyone looked at Umbridge.

"Rule number 6 states no parties of any kind" Umbridge said

"BITE ME!!!"

Everyone gasped and looked around to see who shouted that Umbridge's face dropped and became annoyed

"Who said that!" Umbridge huffed

Phoenix stepped out of the crowd with George, Lee, Ron and Fred all standing behind her laughing hysterically.

"I did" Phoenix chuckled

"Excuse me but Ravenclaws aren't allowed in here" Umbridge said

"Who said? Dumbledore?" Phoenix said cocky Fred and the other snickered seeing Umbridge's face turn red

"No I did" Umbridge said cheerfully Phoenix rolled her eyes and shook her head

"Mrs. Diggory if you don't listen I'll write to the ministry" Umbridge threatened. Everyone gasped and Phoenix just stood they're looking at Umbridge getting ready to put her in her place.

"Good! Cause you should be sent to Azkaban for wearing those horrible dress robes" Phoenix said everyone "ooooh" and chuckled as Umbridge grown mad at what Phoenix just said but her friends kept laughing.

"Excuse me!?" Umbridge huffed

"Now run back to the hole you crawled out of and take your ugly boyfriend filch with you!" Phoenix said

"This isn't Halloween.....bitch" Phoenix chuckled Fred smiled while everyone clapped for Phoenix as Umbridge left Gryffindor tower angry. Professor McGonagall walked up to Phoenix and everyone walked away quickly thinking Phoenix was about to get in trouble.

"Mrs. Diggory" McGonagall coughed Phoenix turned around confusedly to why everyone stepped away from her. Her heart dropped to see professor McGonagall standing in front of her with her arms crossed

"I—I'm sorry—I—she" Phoenix mumbled but professor McGonagall just brusted out laughing and Phoenix relaxed while the others watched from a far.

"She's not dead" Ron gasped excitedly

"Your girlfriend is badass Weasley" Lee chuckled

"She's just perfect" Fred smiled excitedly

Phoenix walked over laughing hysterically and everyone looked at her confused.

"Bloody hell happened?" Ron asked

"McGonagall is on our side" Phoenix laughed Fred grabbed Phoenix hand before Phoenix tried explaining what happened with McGonagall.

"Sorry fellas we I'm so awfully tired" Fred chuckled fake yawning

"Yeah right you guys are going to go snog" George chuckled causing a slap from Hermione and George laughed at his twin. Fred flipped him off and Phoenix face palm

"Just for that you might have to change your sheets tomorrow dear Georgie" Fred said Phoenix slapped Fred and shook her head

"Fred your drunk" Phoenix chuckled Fred looked down and gasped

"I am not" Fred said playfully as he stumbled into his room, Phoenix laughed and shut his door.

"I rest my case" Phoenix chuckled Fred fell onto his bed and held his arms opened and smiled up to the ceiling

"Oh my beautiful Phoenix" Fred chuckled Phoenix couldn't help but laugh at a drunk Fred to her it was quit amusing to her.

"Dose dear old Freddie want cuddles" Phoenix teased

"Pleaseee" Fred whined Phoenix chuckled and walked over to Fred and laid down on top of him and held her close

"Your lucky I love you" Phoenix chuckled softly Fred kissed her forehead softly and smiled as he shut his eyes

"Oh I know but you're lucky I'm good looking" Fred chuckled

The two fell asleep quickly and the party continued but Phoenix and Fred were enjoyed sleeping next to each other and smiled softly knowing he was hers.


A/N: Another short chapter started a new job on Saturday so I've been busy but will update more soon :)

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