Chapter Eleven: Redemption

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The two weeks flew by fast and New Year's Eve was amazing since Cedric and Phoenix went to mom's grave and spent the day sitting they're talking. She hugged her dad goodbye on the plate form.

"I'll see you soon my dear" Amos said

"Bye dad" Phoenix said as he hugged Cedric. Luckily Cedric's arm was healed and got his cast off yesterday which she was very excited about because on Tuesday is they're first quidditch game back and Phoenix was playing Hufflepuff which Phoenix and Cedric have been looking forward too. Phoenix was go happy to return and tell Ron about her motorcycle and her new prank tools. Phoenix waved her dad goodbye as she pulled out of the station. Cedric left to go meet with the other perfects and Phoenix was fiddling with her new bomb She made and Cedric gave her the idea of creating a firework consist of paint which she thought was amazing but Phoenix was excited to see if Fred would go through with confronting Angelina. Phoenix saw her walking past her compartment a few times glaring and chuckling as she walked past but Phoenix just ignore her. A few hours past and the train was finally pulling into Hogsmade station Phoenix saw Ron and Harry waiting for her. She got excited and grabbed her trunk as she shoved through a flood of students and ran into Ron's arms.

"I've miss you guys!!" Phoenix said happily Ron picked her truck up and they headed back to Hogwarts.

"How was you're holiday?" Ron asked

"It was nice I got a freaking motorcycle!" Phoenix chuckled

"We know" Ron and Harry said in union

"Let me guess" Phoenix chuckled

"Fred" they all laughed

They headed inside the castle and went upstairs to Phoenix's dorm to unpack her clothes and grabbed her new fireworks and bombs she made and head downstairs for dinner. Phoenix was absolutely exhausted and hungry she walked into the great hall and saw Fred and George at they're table. Phoenix smiled and walked over to the two.

"Mrs. Diggory" George said as she sat down Fred looked up and his eyes lit up

"Carrot one and carrot two how was you're break?" Phoenix asked as she placed her bag down

"Stop calling us that" the twins said in union

"I will stop calling you both that once you admit that I am a better prankster" Phoenix said

"No we will not" Fred said crossing his arms

"Then carrot will stick" Phoenix laughed. Angelina walked into the hall and glared as she seen her, Fred and George talking. Phoenix saw her at the corner of her eye and looked at Fred.

"So Fred are you gonna do that favor?" Phoenix asked Fred looked over and seen Angelina and George passed him his prank bag.

"Ready Fred?" George asked

"Ready George" Fred said as they both stood up and walked over to Angelina. Ron, Harry, Hermione and Cedric all watched as Fred approached Angelina and her heart started racing. Phoenix watched as George chuckled and Angelina looked mad.

"Are you kidding me Fred!" Angelina shouted

"Yeah Angelina you're a terrible person that destroys relationships and I actually would like to keep this one because she makes me actually feel happy with my life unlike you always making things about you!" Fred said

"All because of that little slut huh?" Angelina said as she pointed over to me. Phoenix dropped her fork immediately and Hermione and Ron gasped.

"No no that's you" George said angrily

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