Chapter Fifty Six: Victory

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The next morning molly sent the kids back to hogwarts so the ministry didn't get any ideas and Phoenix was not happy she couldn't wrap her head around the fact her whole family was gone how could that possibly happen. Phoenix didn't want to returned when all she wanted to do is stay with her uncle. Remus sat with Sirius after she left since Phoenix bagged him to keep a eye on him and same with Fred. Remus pulled out a book and smiled over to his friend as he sat in bed

"Well padfoot I guess it's just you and I" Remus said softly Remus began reading and wasn't paying attention but since Phoenix developed a gift thanks to her mother Adeline nobody knew she held healing powers within her tears. Sirius looked up and around the room and his eyes fell on Remus who was crying as he read.


Back at Hogwarts umbrigde was fired for her teaching methods and returned back to the ministry. Phoenix walked with Ron into the great hall that Sunday night a few days before they head home which Phoenix was chomping away to go back to see Sirius and Fred.

"Hey three more days" Ron smiled

"Seems longer, I just wanted to stay with Sirius " Phoenix whispered

"soon Phe" Ron said suddenly Dumbledore walked in and walked over to Phoenix and tapped her shoulder

"Pardon me Mrs.Diggory but mind if we have a word" Dumbledore said kindly Phoenix got up and walked with Dumbledore out of the great hall and looked at Ron and others with a scared look the two walked up to Dumbledore's office and she sat down at his desk. She looked at Dumbledore and he had a smile on his face.

"I just heard from molly that Something happened to Sirius" Dumbledore said and those words shot Phoenix, her palms became sweaty and her stomach turned.

"What happened" Phoenix panicked

"Now now nothing to worry about it's quite remarkable" Dumbledore but that just made Phoenix more worried then she intended to be.

"Remus and molly stated that Sirius seemed all healed from the crucio curse it was a miracle" Dumbledore said Phoenix looked at Dumbledore in shock since there is no counter curse for the three unforgivable curses. Phoenix couldn't wrap her head around it but then remembered what Hermoine said.

"Phoenix don't you get it, your the heir of the Firebird one of the rarest birds they burst to ashes when they die and be reborn and they hold unmarketable healing powers in there tears"

Phoenix sat there quietly and looked at Dumbledore as he looked at her a bit concerned

"Is everything alright Mrs.Diggory?" Dumbledore asked Phoenix nodded softly and took a breath

"Is it true about my mom? That she was a real firebird?" Phoenix asked in fear Dumbledore looked at her and smiled

"it's true which makes you the heir of the firebird which is why you can read minds and heal remarkably fast" Dumbledore said kindly

"Why didn't you say anything sooner Voldemort got in my head who know what he can do now" Phoenix said angrily

"Because Phoenix you've been using them for good and learnt to control them if you used them for bad as you did the night of the ministry you can be dangerous" Dumbledore said Phoenix looked up to Fawkes and the bird nodded softly knowing Phenix is now in grave danger. 


On the train ride home after another exhausting year Phoenix didn't say a word to anyone about Sirius, Phoenix didn't know how to tell them or how she could be dangerous. The train ride was long but finally the train pulled into kings crossing and everyone walked off the train, Phoenix looked around to find either molly or Remus,

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