Chapter 2 | our journy begins

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On my way to the arena, the man hands me a tablet and I learn the basics of everything, how to handle different guns, what is happening around me, in the universe. I learn my comrades named and abilities, and I'm told I will face them daily. The basics of the games are, I will complete once a day except for holiday breaks, so basically once You're in the arena, you can't really die. You can still feel the pain of any wounds that are infected upon you, but when you are "killed" you wake up back in your designated room. Then after the games you are free to do what ever you please.

"Hey kid ya got all the basics down yet?" He asks, " yes I do thank you. For every thing." I say and he walks me off the ship I'm greeted by many people, more than I could ever imagine, they were cheering and there were flashes of lights. It was very stressful, finally we end up inside a huge building it's bright and clean, I'm introduced to a lady at the front desk her name is Liz and she will help with what ever I need. They give me a phone teach me how to use it, and how to contact her with it for help.

Now I'm going up to the top floor, that's where I'll be staying, I'll be living with the following legends, BloodHound, LifeLine, Gibraltar, Revenant, Octane, Bangalore, Mirage, Wattson, Caustic, Loba, Pathfinder, and Wraith. I'm so nervous to meet so many people, just a few days ago I thought I was the only one left in the universe. The elevator doors open into a huge living room, with all of the legends sitting around. They all look so at me some looks of curiosity, some with looks of uninsurance. I'm pushed out of the elevator and the strange man leaves me. I turn back to the legends, " u-uum hello my name is y/n l/n I am y/a I'm excited to work alongside you or against you." I blurt out. "Vel hello there, I am blood hunter, you may call me blood hound." Someone wearing a mask and goggles says. "Nice to meet you beautiful I'm loba" a beautiful girl says while sending a wink my way says. Theres a silent robot standing in the corner, another robot cheerfully introduces himself as pathfinder, a girl with black hair pulled into a bun named wraith is next to say hello. Gibraltar, lifeline, and octane introduce themselves. And a very flirty man named mirage is last to say hello. "Uhhmm my dear beautiful y/n did you forget your bags?" Loba asks, " oh no all I have is this" I say while showing my sword. " this won't do, we gotta take them out shoppin ehh" lifeline adds. "Shoppin? I'm not very familiar with that." They all gasp and laugh at my reply. "Well then it's settled we're going shopping tomorrow after the games deal my dear?" Loba asks me, "deal".

Blood hound showed me to my room, it's huge, it's very clean and white, there are a few plain clothes in the closet Hanging up for me, my room has its own little living room when you first enter, the you can go around a little wall that's next to a mini kitchen by the living room, and behind that wall is where my bed is, along with a desk, dresser, closet, and a huge window. You can see what looks like the whole planet from up here. To the right of the room is a door which leads into a huge bathroom, it has two sinks, another closet, a walk in shower, and a giant bath tub that could fit five people in it. "W-wow I-it's so, so amazing" I tell bloodhound. "Yes, vill you be comfortable here?" They ask me, " yes thank you for all of your help bloodhound I do really appreciate it." I say while giving them a cheeky smile. "Of course, if you need any help vith anything please feel free to reach out to me," they reach for my phone, I hand them it. They adds their number and hand it back to me I smile and then they leave.

I shower then change into some plain grey pajamas and lay in the big fluffy bed, looking out the huge window. Mother? Father? Are you watching right now, look at all of the people, we never even imagined there were more than a few maybe left. And there are so many planets. I wish you were both here to see this. I'll make you proud.

I then quietly and quickly fall into one of the best sleeps I have ever had. Tomorrow is my training day for the games so I need my rest.


End of chapter two

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