Chapter 7 | anger

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A few days have passed since I lashed out at bloodhound, I don't know why but I've just need getting more and more angry at everyone, everything, and just myself. I've been trying to take my anger out in the arena, but it's not helping at all.


I quickly throw up my wall to shield us, I look around to locate who ever threw that at us, behind a rock, I see Bangalore. She looks extremely pissed off, like she's going over every possible way to slowly kill me in her head. I'm not going to let her, she needs to tell me what I did that made her hate me, why everyone does. I run at her, activating my ultimate ability, just as my hand was about to touch my sword I'm tackled to the ground, I look up and see bloodhound on top of me pinning my arms above my head. I scream and try to kick him off of me, Bangalore walk out from behind the rock smirking at me, "knew you would stop her, your curious about her too, I wonder if I take that sword will I be a monster like you? Well let's see" she reaches for my sword, no, no, No! I won't let her have it, it's the only thing I have from my home, from my family. Her max touches it, and I scream out "NOOOOo!" "AHHHh!" She screams out pulling her hand away quickly, my head starts burning, my mouth aches, my eyes burn. Bloodhound gasps and picks me up, yelling, "VE FORFEIT!"! A drop ship comes and picks us up, medics grab at me when we get on, they inject something in my arm and I fall asleep.

(Time skip one week)

I wake up in a hospital room again with the white lights blinding me, someone is holding my hand, I look over to see bloodhound, they notice I'm now awake and sits up quickly, "y/n! I'm so glad you are ok I-" I cut him off, "what happened to me?" They sigh, "vell they don't know vhy exactly this happened to you, they think it has something to do vith your sword, I'll just show you." They grab a little mirror and hand it to me, I lift it up and freeze, "this-this isn't me! My, my hair it's wh-white now, and I have two horns on my head!? My eyes are now a light grey ish white. And I have fangs?!" "I know it's a lot to take in, but I have one more bad news, that have decided to keep you from participating in the games for a vhile until you can calm down and control yourself. I'm sorry" "I want to go back." I say. "Vhat? Back where." "To Solice, I need to see what really happened, and why this is happening to me." I say staring into the small mirror. " I shall come vith you then, ve vill leave in two days I'll come and get you deal?" They say, "deal." They nod and walks out the room, for the rest of the day everyone who came by would point and stare at me, I hated it, I hated myself for looking like this, two days then I'll be back home and figure all of this out.


End of chapter seven

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