Chapter 13 | porkchops

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After I drifted off, bloodhound picked me up, carrying me to their room with lifeline by their side. I was given a bath by some of the servants, then I was placed onto the soft and warm bed. It was weird, I could hear everyone and everything. But I couldn't move my body, it's as stiff as stone. Makes sense after how far I pushed myself. It feels so nice to just lay here, I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

(Time skip)

"I'm sorry, but it's looks like they are in a comma, ain't nothing we can do but keep um hydrated and keep giving them nutrients till they can push through this an wake up." Lifeline says to I assume is everyone. "I vill watch over them until they awaken" bloodhound says, I don't want them to worry, I wish I could tell them. I'm ok. "Will take um back to the apex apartment, we've gotta start back up soon." The man says.

Bloodhound would be by my side the whole time they weren't participating in the games, they would rush more, trying to get the game to end quick so they could be back by my side. Every morning they would put their hands on mine and whisper prayers to the All Father. And same thing every night.

One morning I was able to open my eyes, right after bloodhound left to join the games. An hour later I was able to sit up, I'm so dizzy, but I want to see everyone I want to see bloodhound. So I grab my IV drip and use it to support every step I take. I manage to wobble down the hall into the living room, the blinds are open, when the sun hits my skin, I feel relief wash over me, it feels so nice. I decided to sit on the couch in the sun waiting for everyone to finish. Mirage walks out of his room, and looks over, "oh he y/n how's it goin?" I cover my mouth and try not to laugh, "wait. . . NO WAY! Are you the real y/n or are you a ghost!" He screams, I giggle. Bangalore walks out with lifeline and octane, "y/n! No way ya alright thank goodness," lifeline walks over and hugs me. "Good to have you back" Bangalore says smiling. "No wayyyy! Haha this is too good (amigo/amiga)" octane hops around. Everyone else walks out except bloodhound, their in my room confused why I'm not in bed, they run out to the living room. "Y/n! Oh thank the All Father! You are alright my love!" They run over and warp their arms around me. "Yes I am thank you, I heard you pray every morning and every night thank you" I wrap my arms around them.

My stomach growls. "Uhh ahaha" I rub the back of my neck and blush, "oh you must be very hungry vhat vould you like my love?" Hmm I think, "pork chops! Made by mirage!" I smile, "well of course your highness," mirage bows and we laugh. Mirage leaves to head to his bar to set up for all of us. And I head back to my room with bloodhound, they open my closet and ask what I want to wear, "pick something out for me" I smile, they do that. I get changed and cleaned up and they help me walk to the elevator by holding my waist with one arm and my arm with the other. We get to the lobby and Liz waves and greets me, " oh my (miss/mr) l/n it's wonderful to have you back!" She says, "thank you" I smile and wave. We walk out and grab a cab, and head to the bar.

We arrived and we head in, we ate mirage's absolutely delicious pork chops and laugh and joke all night long, after we're done on the ride home in lay my head on bloodhounds shoulder, " I love you" I say. "I love you too" they reply. I drift off to sleep, and I wake up being carried to my room. They lay me in my bed and I grab their arm, "stay?" "Of course my love" they lay next to me and we fall asleep in each other's arms.


End of chapter thirteen

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