Chapter 21 | Will you?

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I wake up in Bloodhounds arms, I sit up and get ready for the day. I see that clothes were already set out for me, do I grab them and put them on. once I finish I walk out of the bathroom and see that Bloodhound has woken up. "Good morning" I say, "mm yes good morning" they say standing up and stretching their arms high above their head. They go to the bathroom to get ready for the day as well, once they are all done and ready we walk outside to be greeted with all the staff of the castle. Bloodhound puts their hand in mine and were lead to the garden, its beautiful, all around us are glowing plants and its nice and cool. There is a table set up in the middle of the garden, hidden from everything. Its covered in delicious foods and drinks. Bloodhound walks me over to the table, and pulls my chair put for me, i giggle and thank them. They then sit right across from me, taking off their mask and setting it down on the table. Their face is burning up, and they don't make direct eye contact with me. "Is everything alright?" I ask them,  they nod and start eating, so I do as well.  After we both finish our food, Bloodhound stands up and walks over to me, their face red as a tomato.  "y/n," he gets down on one knee, "you mean the world to me, I've never been comfortable around anyone enough to take off this mask, but when I first saw you i felt like i could do anything and not be judged. I love you so much, y/n l/n vill you marry me?" they shakily hold out a beautiful ring. tears weld up in my eyes and I cover my face, "yes!" I say through my tears of joy. Bloodhound stands up and pulls me into a tight hug, they grab my left hand and place the ring onto my ring finger. we kiss. 

(time skip) four months

today is my wedding day, i'm currently getting my hair and makeup done then ill get dressed and walk down the isle, my hearts beating rapidly in my chest. I finally get to be with the one and only love of my life for the rest of mine. In the past four months I've done a lot as (queen/King) I have reconnected Serice to the rest of the universe, we have become known as one of the most beautiful planets, most peaceful, and kind. It definitely wasn't easy to show and prove to everyone that we weren't monsters, but once we finally told everyone what really happened here, what my parents did, they let the past go. Its time i'm ready, I step out and the music starts playing, i take a deep breath, and start walking  


end of chapter twenty one

sorry it's short again : /

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