Chapter 6 | ouch

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I wake up still in lots of pain, my eyes immediately fill with tears, and my teeth clench together. Bloodhound rushes to my side, "y/n it's ok, ve made it to the safe zone, me and mirage have agreed to take care of the fighting for you so just lay still and rest ok" they say while holding my hand and stroking my head. "Vhen the games are over you vill be relieved of your pain, don't vorry it vill be very soon" they pat my head on me last time, then mirage calls them, "got a squad heading our way, and I don't think they are here to party," bloodhound runs over to him and they step out to engage the enemy squad.

One minute still guns going off, two minutes more, three, four, now five minutes and still no one has died, I have to do something to help them out I can't just lay here. I slowly pull myself onto my feel and limp over to a window, I see bloodhound and mirage exhausted behind a rock with no more ammo. Then enemies seem to know this and start to head towards them. I wobbly run to the door and pull up my wall, "my ult is ready guys!" I yell at my teammates, "stay down and let me finish this!" The agree to let me fight. AAARRRAAH!




Y/n wake up!

"Let me sleep I'm so tired"

No wake up now stay with us

"I-I can't open my eyes I. I can't move"






I don't wake up in my room this time, bloodhound isn't by my bed. I'm inside a white room with bright blinding lights. I hear confused yelling out side the door. Bloodhound enters, "y/n! Are you ok?!" "Why, why do I still feel the injury, I'm out of the arena right then why does it still hurt so bad?" I say tears once again forming in my eyes. "Ve don't know yet, they need to ask you a few questions, do you mind?" They ask grabbing a hold my my shaking hand. "Sure" a nurse walks in with a clipboard in her arms, " my name is Macy I'm here to ask you so questions to see if we can figure  out what's going  on got it?" I nod " good now I'll start,

What's your name?
"Y/n l/n"


Where is your home planet?


Uhhmm alright t-that would be all

She quickly leaves the room.

"Are you really from Solice, I thought it.. well.." bloodhound has trouble finding the right words, " it's ok yeah, the entity thing, just a week ago I thought me and my parents were the only humans alive, then they died protecting me. I meet that man in the elevator and now I'm here." "Vow all that in just a veeks time, I can't even imagine how you must feel." They say while rubbing my hand in theirs. "I really haven't processed it all, I just feel like this is all just a dream, leaving the planet I grew up on, meeting all these new people, . . . Meeting you." My face instantly burns up when I let those words escape my lips. "Y-y/n I-I, meeting you felt like a dream, I've never felt vhat I feel for you for anyone else, I'm not even sure what these emotions are." They Reply "I don't understand my emotions for you alway yet bloodhound, maybe we should stick together and discover what we feel together," I grab their hand, and look up and smile.

After a few days I'm back to feeling normal, and I'm almost ready to go back to the arena. I walk into the lounge where the other legends are all hanging out around the television, I walk over to sit on the couch near Bangalore, she flinches and turns away. "D-did I do something wrong Bangalore?" I ask confused, "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT OF COURSE YOU DID! DON'T TELL ME YOU FORGOT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE ARENA YOU MONSTER!!" She yells while standing up and storming off. Everyone just stares at me some with hate others with fear. I can't take all of the eyes on me so I decide to go walk around the building, trying to remember what I did that made everyone hate and fear me. While I'm busy in my thoughts I walk right into someone, but right before I hit the ground they pull me by my arm and set me back onto my feet. "Are you alright y/n" it's bloodhound, I don't even look up to meet their eyes, I just nod and push by them. "Y/n wait" they grab ahold of my arm again, stopping me from going any further. "Please tell me vhat is going on vith you so I can help." "Nothing I'm perfectly fine now please let go of my arm." I replied with no trace of any emotion. They still aren't letting me go, why can't they just leave me be? My blood starts to boil, "everyone hates me or fears me, I can't remember anything when I use my ultimate ability, and apparently I did something terrible to Bangalore. So just leave me alone so I can try to figure this out!" I lash out at them. I yank my arm out of their grasp and storm off to my room, leaving them sad and confused.


End of chapter six

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