Chapter 17 | long time no see

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It's been 12 days since I found out I was slowly dying, I would force myself to wake up an extra hour earlier than bloodhound does. So I can take the medication the doctor gave me so I won't be in any pain during the day.

I wake up, and took over to the edge of the bed, bloodhound is sound asleep next to me, I quietly get up and make my way to the bathroom. I open the medicine chest and take out the pill bottle, unscrew it and take one. Then I decide to take a shower. As I'm taking off my clothes, I see a red mark, it's on my back, so I turn all the way around and look into the mirror, and see a odd red symbol on my back

 As I'm taking off my clothes, I see a red mark, it's on my back, so I turn all the way around and look into the mirror, and see a odd red symbol on my back

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All of the sudden, my back starts to burn, and the odd symbol glows a bit. My head hurts and I hear the voice of my mother, "go back" she says. Back where? Maybe she means go back to Serice. I quickly showered and went out of the bathroom, bloodhound is now awake. "Good morning my love" I smile, "good morning. I have something I need to do." They nod and wait for me to go on, "I need to go back to Serice" the look confused, "vhy?" I frown. I turn around and lift my shirt showing them my back. "Oh my vhen did this happen, I vill a company you" I thank them and I pack my bags.

We let Liz know that we have to leave and will be back in a few weeks at most. And we head to a ship. "Hey kid, you the one who needs a ride to Serice?" The man says "yes I do thank you! O-oh and wait what's your name I never got it" I ask, "ha it's Marcus" I smile, and we walk in and take off. "O-ow" my back burns again, more painful this time. "Y/n! It hurts?" Bloodhound asks. "I-I'm fine, I think that Carlos may be able to help me" they nod, "if the kids in pain I can make the trip in one day, may cost ya more" Marcus says, "please do I'll pay" I reply, "no I vill pay" "no hound I will!" Me and bloodhound bicker over who will pay and Marcus just laughs and speeds the ship up.

I try to rub my back, it's starting to hurt more and more, and the burning lasts longer and longer. I'm unable to sleep at all tonight, in one more day I'm supposed to die, I haven't told anyone. Maybe that's what this burning pain is, the medicine isn't working anymore. "Hey kid were an hour away now" Marcus yells from the control room. Finally. Hopefully Carlos can help or I won't be here after tomorrow.

(One hour later)

We land right in front of the village, the Garda come rushing over to greet us. Carlos in front. The door opens and his face drops, "y-your highness!" He rushes over to me, my face is pale and you can obviously see I'm in pain. "W-well I was hoping you could tell me. Some odd symbol appeared on my back and now I'm not doing to good" he nods and picks me up, bloodhound visibly tenses up. I'm carried to a room, and they lay me down on my stomach. "T-this isn't good" Carlos says after examining my back. "How long have you felt ill?" "U-Um almost two weeks now" his face goes pale. "We need to get you treated immediately, this is because of how much power you tapped into fighting. You pushed your body way beyond its limits. Just because you can access that power doesn't mean your physical body can take all of it." That makes sense. "How do Ve save them?" Bloodhound chimes in, " we take them to the crystal lake and let the water heal them" "then let us go!" Bloodhound helps me sit up and we head out.

After a few hours of being carried by bloodhound, which I argued with the whole time to take a break from holding me but they wouldn't listen and kept walking. Anyways. We made it to the lake, it beautiful, bloodhound walks over to the water, and sets me down. The water is murky, but glowing. It's surrounded by crystals and the plants are covered in crystals as well. Uhm I look back at the two, they blush and turn around. I giggle and thank them. I strip my clothes off and step into the water. And slowly emerge my entire body into it. It feels so good. "You guys can turn around now, the water is too Murky to see anything" the turn. "How do you feel my love?" Bloodhound asks. "I feel amazing, it's working" "you will have to stay in the water for a few hours, I'll set up a camp here." Carlos says. Bloodhound nods and helps him.

(Time skip, it's now dark)

I'm still in the water, and I'm super tired and hungry, but I have to stay in until the mark on my back turns white. Carlos explained to me that I can tell when to stop using my powers by looking at the symbol, red is when I use way to much, and white is when I'm fine. "Is it white yet!" I yell while acting dramatic. "Yes" bloodhound says while placing a towel by the water, they turn around and I step out wrapping the cloth around my body. "Vould you like to sleep in one of my shirts?" They blush, "I-I just thought it could be more comfortable maybe?" I smile and nod my head. I change and I sit by the fire and eat. Well guess I won't die tomorrow, what a relief. And I didn't have to tell anyone.


End of chapter seventeen

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