Chapter 11 | Confession

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"I think . . . I think I . . . I love you." My hearts racing. My face is burning. My body is trembling. Will they return the same feelings? Or will they leave and be disgusted in me for ever. The man who found us looks over, "need some space?" I nod, "alright, I understand. When you are finished just keep going in this direction and you will find the village." He bows and takes everyone with him. Bloodhound stays put, not taking their eyes off my own.

"Do-do you really feel that vay?"

"I-I do" I can't look them in the eye anymore, they don't accept my feelings.

"Y/n I-" I cut them off,

"N-n-no I-it's fine. I understand. I'm an ugly monster. You are just like everyone else, you only helped me because you felt bad for me. W-well don't pity me anymore! I'm sorry I can't-" this time they cut me off,

"Y/N! Stop it. Yes I feel bad for you, but that's not the only reason I can't go help you so badly. I, I-I just. . . The day that I first met you I've had this urge to stay by your side, to take care of you, vhen ever mirage vould get to close or to comfortable, I vould get jealous. I now know vhy, y/n . . . I love you too."

"Y-you do?"

"Yes I do, my love" they say walking closer, and pulling me close. They wrap their arms around me, I do the same. It feels like they were the missing piece to a puzzle I was putting together, we stand like this for a solid 20 minutes just enjoying each other's warmth.

The sun starts to set, you can see the glowing vegetation more clearly now, the sky is a beautiful pink and orange. "Ve should head over now my love." They whisper, I nod, intertwining my hand in theirs. We head in the direction to man told us to, we walk in silence, not the weird type, it was peaceful and nice.

We make it to the village right as it gets dark, Bangalore and the others turn and greet us. I can tell everyone wants to know what happened, some of them looked concerned about how long it took us to return. "Well are ya gonna tell us what happened guys or keep us in da dark eh?" Lifeline speaks out. I look over at bloodhound and smile, they nod. "Ve both exchanged our feelings, vhich happened to both be mutual feelings of love." They say. "Yess! I told you chicka, hand over that twenty ha ha!" Octane jumps up and down with his fist in the air.

The man from earlier walks up to our little group, "your rooms have all been prepared, please allow me to show you to them." He leads all of us to our rooms, mine happens to be right across from bloodhounds. Just as the man was leaving, I asked "wait! I never got your name" he replies with, " it's Carlos" he then continued to walk down the hall.

I walk into my room and open the closet, it's filled with nice clothing in my size, I grab out some pajamas and walk over to bloodhounds room, I knock. They walk over to the door and open it "can I-I stay with you again tonight?" I blush. "Of course" they say and let me in. I clean up and change into the pajamas and we go to sleep.

(3:00 a.m.)

"Vake up y/n" bloodhound shakes me, "hurry and get changed I'll meet you back at you room!" They say. I have no idea what's happening, but I do as he told me.


End of chapter eleven

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