Chapter 19 | the throne

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The next day a nurse came into my room and did a simple check up on me, they said everything was good and I'm perfectly healthy. Me and bloodhound have food brought to us in bed, which causes them to get flustered. I giggle and eat all of mine. I get and and change into some fresh clothes. Bloodhound does the same, we walk out and decide to go for a walk. But the universe had other ideas, "your majesty! How do you feel? Are you alright?" I smile, "don't worry Carlos I'm fine thank you" bloodhound grabs my hand with theirs, pulling it up to their lips. I blush, "w-what was that for?" "I just vanted to remind you how much I love you" aww how sweet. "I hate to end your loving moment, but I have some important things to discuss with your highness." "Like what?" I reply confused. Carlos leads us to a different room, a room that is heavily guarded. "Your highness, me and all of the people of Serice want you to take your rightful spot as (king/queen). After seeing how passionately you protected us from the invasion you have gained our trust and popularity. Will you?" Waoh woah woah. Me. (King/queen). "What does that mean? Will I have to leave my friends and my new family? Will I be able to leave this planet and participate in the Apex games?" So many questions run through my mind. "As long as you return to Serice twice a month and attend to your oral duty's such as tending to the military, passing laws, etc you can do as you please." Carlos says. He grabs my hands. "Please y/n" that's the first time he's said my name, "Serice needs you, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and happy." He brings his lips to my hand. I blush and pull my hands back. Bloodhound is furious, even if it was just a respectful kiss, it was still a kiss.

"I-I'll do it" I finally come to a conclusion. Carlos smiles, "we will have your coronation tomorrow! I'll prepare everything! Thank you your highness!" He rushes out after bowing to me. I blush again and nod. The door shuts. "Vhy did he have to do that?!" I turn and face bloodhound. "Hey" I grab their hands in mine and pull them close. "It didn't mean anything, it's just because I'm royalty." Bloodhound sighs and hugs me, "I know, I guess I have to get used to it now" I giggle "that's right!" "Vhy don't Ve go on that valk now?" I aground we head out.

We walk along the edge of the glowing forest, I love it so much. It's gorgeous. Bloodhounds hand is in mine, the air is cool as our shoes crunch the snow beneath them. I exhale, mist extends from my mouth. I love winter, maybe not falling into frozen lakes but every thing else about it I love. "Are you prepared for tomorrow?" Bloodhound asks "I am" I say confidently. We finished our walk and I decide to go rest before the big eventful day I have coming tomorrow.

(Next morning)

(Next morning)

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I'm woken up and rushed to get dressed, (options above) the clothes are beautiful, it fits me perfectly

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I'm woken up and rushed to get dressed, (options above) the clothes are beautiful, it fits me perfectly. My hair is done and I'm told what I have to do, (pretty much the thing from frozen) I have to hold a staff in one hand and a orb of some sort in the other, I'll do my vows and then we party! I'm nervous, so many people will be there. I can't mess up or let them down. But here goes nothing!


End of chapter nineteen

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