Chapter 16 | Sick Day

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*sneeze!* bloodhound hands me another tissue, I wipe my red and now sore nose. "Thank you" I manage to mumble, going back to my warm hideout under the covers. "Vhen lifeline returns from today's games, I vill bring her to your aid" they say, taking the dirty tissue and tossing it in the trash can that's now full to the top. "Is there any medical conditions you have had or have now that I do not know about?" They ask pulling the covers down just enough to see my face. "No, I just have Asthma, that's all I know of" I sneeze again. "Do you have an inhaler?" , "I do, it's in the top right drawer in the bathroom." That nod and sit down on the bed next to me. "Don't worry about me, it's just a little cold, I want you to go and participate in tomorrow's games ok?" They give me the I don't want to look but I'll do it. "Fine" they say. I smile, and drift off to sleep.

"Y/n, love? You need to eat something" bloodhound softly shakes me awake, they have a plate of soup on the bedside table, they help me sit up and hand me the soup. I slurp it down, but my stomach grumbles, and twists and turns, I need to vomit. I ask bloodhound to take the bowl to the kitchen, they nod and leave the room, I rush over to the bathroom and turn the tub water on, I don't want him to worry about me anymore. He's worried so much sense I was in a coma, I put my head above the toilet, and vomit all of the soup I just ate.

Once everything in my stomach is in the toilet in front of me I flush it and I hear a knock at the bathroom door, "y-yes?" I mumbled, "are you alright y/n?" It's bloodhound "I am, I'm just going to bathe, it helps me feel a little better" I lie. "Alright let me know if there is anything you need" they leave and go back to the bedroom. I sigh. This doesn't feel like a normal cold, if it gets worse I'll go see a doctor. I don't want lifeline to worry either, and if it's bad I'll just keep it to myself so no one will feel bad. They have all done so much for me already. I slowly set myself down into the warm water, my stomach cramps up, I squeeze my eyes shut. Tomorrow when everyone is in the games I'll go to a doctor. I finish bathing and go lay down in bed and fall asleep.


I wake up feeling even worse than before, my stomach hurts, I'm all stuffy, and *cough* I cover my mouth, but I pull my hand away and see blood all over it, that's not a good sign. I get up and call Liz asking her to have a cab ready for me and she does. I go to the elevator, after writing a note saying, went out to get food. I get inside my can and tell them to go to the nearest hospital, the drive there was terrible, my pain gets worse. I pay then try and walk over to the doors, I can't. I fall over, and I see nurses rush out and they put me on a bed rolling me into the ER.

(After tests)

A doctor walks in, "ms. L/n, I'm so sorry but . . . We don't know why, but your condition is very unique and incurable, we've never encountered anything like this before. But if I had to give you a time limit bodes your body completely stops working, it would be two weeks. For what we can see your body is slowly shutting down for an unknown reason. Again I am truly sorry." The doctor hold out his had, " this is a medication that will help ease the pain, and you will look healthy until it's your time, I wish I could do more. All I can do is help you go out peacefully." I'm confused, I'm . . . I'm dying. I grab the pills and thank the doctor, I walk out and after I took the medicine I felt fine so I decided to walk home. Which turned into me just wandering around the city streets. And before I knew it, it was dark. I find myself at an overgrown park, in the middle is a fountain, I go and sit on the outside rim. I'm still trying to process that I'm not going to be here in two weeks. There's so much more I want to do, so much I need to say to everyone. If I told them they would be devastated, I'll just keep it to myself. I want everyone to be happy until I'm gone no more worrying about me. A tear falls down my cheek, I can't help it. They keep falling more and more I try to move my hands fast enough to catch them all but I'm failing. I start to have trouble breathing, I grab and claw at my chest. My head gets light and dizzy, I'm panicking, I'm having a panic attack and an asthma attack. Foot steps get louder as they approach me, "Y/N!" I look up it's bloodhound, they rush over to me catching my bday as I fall over, they notice my breathing, they quickly reach into their pocket and pull out my inhaler. They lift my chin and help me take two pumps of the medicine from it, after a minute it still hasn't helped so I take a few more pumps. Which causes my body to shake and tremble more. I can now breathe but I can't really move, "vhy vere you gone so late?" Bloodhound asks rubbing circles on my back while I lay me head on their shoulder, I try to speak but nothing comes out. They seem to see and understand that I can't sleep right now and brush it off. They stand up, picking my trembling body up carrying me bridal style, I grab onto their shirt.

(Back home)

We make it back home, bloodhound puts me into our bed and goes to get lifeline, she walks in, "y/n I heard what happen is everything alright?" Bloodhound walks to my side, "I-I-I'm o-ok now" I manage to spit out, she hands me a glass of water, I drink generously, "I-I just got so scared, I don't know my way around the city, I thought I could make it back but" I look down at the blankets, I start crying again, not because I was scared, because I feel bed for lying to my friends. She nods understanding, bloodhound pulls me close and rubs my back, "it's ok now my love I vill always find you have no vorries" I stop crying and nod, "I think it's time to sleep, you need rest my love" they lay next to me pulling me close in a warm embrace, and we go to sleep.


End of chapter sixteen

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