Chapter 23 | time flies

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It's been four years sense me and Bloodhound got married, we lived on Serice for about a year. Bloodhound stayed with me, helping me completely rebuild the Serenity empire. After the first year, we moved back to the Apex games arenas, I go and visit the planet every two months. The rest of the time I spend with the love of my life and porky. "Hey go a squad across from us in that building!" Mirage yells, i giggle, "good looking out porky!" Bloodhound lets out a little laugh and Mirage just pouts, "come on why porky, I mean look at me. I'm beautiful and the best pet name you got for me is porky. How rude" he crosses his arms looking over at me. Fizz! the sound of electricity comes from outside the doors of our building, I'm not falling for this again. I walk over to the door and kick it open Boom! they explode, causing me to cover my face. once the debris settle down i see the electric fences and i shoot the nodes. I step out and a bullet flies by my face, so I throw up my wall. Bloodhound and Mirage come running out to help, we locate Wattson, Lifeline, and Bangalore right outside the building across from us, "ready to get your ass beat solider?" Bangalore smirks and looks at me, I smirk back, "hmm I don't know, are you?" i reply. Me and Bangalore have a little friendly competition going on now, it's actually really fun. My wall falls down, and roll over behind a metal box, bullets are fired at me, "I bathe in the blood!" Bloodhound uses their ult and i pop out to help support them. once I stand up from behind the box, i shoot and knock down Bangalore, and Mirage gets lifeline. Blood hound rushes in to get Wattson. 

"here are your apex champions" 

we win the match, "I didn't even notice that they were the last squad" i say to Mirage and Bloodhound as were being congratulated. "Yes it was so exciting that we forgot to keep track" they reply. lights flash as our pictures are taken.


my stomach starts to turn, "Hound!" i grab their arm, "vhat is vrong my love" they can see the panic in my eyes, "I'm I'm going to vomit!" i tell them, they flinch and grab me, picking me up and running away from everyone, taking me to the closest bathroom. we make it in time and I lean over the toilet, Bloodhound holds my hair back for me (if you have long hair) I finish up and we go back to our room, "are you alright my love" they ask, "i'm alright"  i reply. we go in the room and get ready for bed, "hey Hound, I think i'm going to sit out if tomorrows games, you go on ahead ok"  "are you sure I could stay vith you if yo vould like" they reply laying down next to me and pulling me close. "no i'm sure you go and help porky" they laugh and agree. we go to sleep. 

I wake up a few hours earlier than normal, my stomach is turning again and I rush into our shared bathroom. All of my dinner from last night is now in the toilet in front of me. I clean myself up and walk of of the bathroom to see Bloodhound getting ready for today's games, "how do you feel my love?" they ask me, "I'm fine don't worry about me ok, go have fun and beat everyone up" I say. they laugh and give me a hug before running off to the drop ship. I rest up for a few hours then decided to go to the market down the street, I find myself standing in front of the pregnancy tests. My heart pounds against my chest rapidly, I grab a few different brands to make sure I don't get a false negative. I make my way home and I enter the elevator heading up to the apartment. The door opens, "hey hey hey, how ya feeling" Mirage asks me, "I'm feeling good, how were the games?" i ask hiding the bag behind me, "ehh i died but your knight in shining armor is still alive and fighting. Hey whatcha got there?" he says pointing behind my back. I blush and say "nothing" and try and walk away, he snatches the bag out of my hand and looks inside, my face heats up, "woah woah woah, are you really? do you think?" I grab the bag back, "I-I don't know yet" I say, "go go go! let me know when you're done!" he says pushing me to my room, "If Bloodhound finishes before your're done I'll hold him off out here" I nod and walk into my bathroom and lock the door behind me, I take out the tests and get started. 

(Bloodhound P.O.V)

I did not end up vining this game, so I make my vay back to the apartment to check on y/n. I walk into the living room and Mirage grabs my arm, "hey buddy how was the game?" he says, "fine I did not vin though" i reply wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible so I could go see y/n. "ooh cool, so uhh mmm" I start to valk away, "Wait!" he grabs my arm and tries to stop me, "vhat are you doing? are you trying to keep me from y/n? does that mean they are hurt?" I pull my arm from his grasp and rush down the hall to our shared room, "y/n? are you in here?" "u-uhh y-yes" they answer, I go over to the bathroom door and try and open it, it's locked, they never lock it. "are you alright my love?" "i'm fine can you just go wait in the living room for a minute please?" I agree and walk out and sit on the couch nervous.

(y/n P.O.V)

I finish up all of the tests, and they are almost done. No way. I'm pregnant.

I walk out to the living room and see Mirage and Bloodhound silently sitting on the couch, "y/n are you ok?" Bloodhound runs up to me hugging me, "yes I am" I smile, "I have something I need to tell you" they nod "I'm pregnant" silence, then they pick me up and swing me around in their arms, "oh my! I've never been more happy!" they kiss me and Mirage just sits there smirking, "what" I say, "oh nothing, just ya know you have to name the kid after me remember" I laugh and say, "I'll add your name in there somewhere maybe" 


as everyone is taking pictures, a thought crosses my mind, me and Bloodhound have been married for four years now, and I want to add to our family, "hey Hound?" I turn and look over to them, "yes my love?" "I want to adopt a kid" i blurt out, the pictures stop, everyone falls into a deep silence, i blush and freak out a bit. I turn to run away but someone grabs my arm, "I vould love to have a child vith you" they pull me close and hug me. I smile and kiss their mask holding them close back. Mirage who is standing next to us adds, "you do remember our deal right?" shoot I do remember, "hmm maybe you'll be a part of it, maybe?"


end of chapter twenty three

it's almost over :( But I've really enjoyed making it, and i'm thankful for all of you who have read this far with me :)

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