Chapter 8 | Trip

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I spent those two extremely long days pacing around my room, unpacking and re packing my bag, every little noise that I could hear from outside my door filled my body with anticipation.

Finally I hear a knock at my door, I quickly re-shove everything back into my bags and run over to the door. "Vell are you ready to go?" Bloodhound says as I let them inside, "yes!" I yell and run to grab my things, they chuckle and stop me, they then grab my bags out of my arms and leads me to the ship we'll be taking. "I'm sorry I was so rude to you and the others, I don't know why I've been feeling so angry. But I think I've calmed down these past two days." They nod, " it's alright, you have a good reason to be mad at everyone, they turned against you vith out saying vhy, and about that some of them vanted to come along vith us to help and makeup for that." I nod, "that's fine, but who-" I stop and see Bangalore standing at the entrance of the ship leaning on the open door, "h-hey I-I feel bad for how I treated you, I know realize you had no idea what happened so I want to help you figure out what's goin on. If that cool with you" she says looking away. I smile, "of course thank you." She blushes and looks away while nodding. We all walk into the ship and I see loba, mirage, life line, and octane sitting ready to go. "All of you guys are coming with us?" I ask. "Course we wanna help ya out (bradda/sista)," lifeline says and everyone else agrees. "Well thank you very much it really means a lot to me," I say smiling back at all of them. "Vel let's take oof it vill take us two days to get there." They say. We all get ready for take off, and once we're out into space we can unbuckle our seats and find our rooms. There are four rooms, so we have to share. Loba and Bangalore decide to share one, octane and lifeline do as well, mirage dibs his own. Me and bloodhound are left alone in the cockpit. "Is it alright if ve share a room vith you?" They ask. "Of course!" I blush. I reach for my bags and they snatch them right before me. "Please, let me, I don't vant you injuring yourself anymore." "I-it's fine, but thank you" why is my face so hot.

We walk down the hall to our room, it pretty plain, one queen size bed in the middle, a little desk and a closet. It has a decent sized bathroom attached to it with a tub and a shower. Bloodhound sets my bags down on the bed and they start unpacking their own and outing clothes away into the closet. So I decided to do the same but starting with my bathroom stuff. I take out and set out my tooth brush, tooth paste, my hairbrush, etc. then I finish and walk back out to work on my clothes. Me and bloodhound switch spots and I hang up all my clothes.

After we're all unpacked I sit down on the bed, bloodhound walked out saying they'll be right back. I sit waiting for them to return, I run my back it still hurts pretty bad. After a few minutes they walk back in with two plates of food. "Oh thank you" I say as they set the plate on my lap. "No thanks is needed" they reply. We pretty much eat in silence, and when we're done they take the plates back to the kitchen. I decided to hop in the tub, first I rinse off in the shower, and I fill the tub up with steaming hot water with lots of bubbles. I haven't taken a bath in a while I forgot how nice it is.


"Y/n are you in there?"

"Yes I am what do you need?"

"Vould you mind if I came in to check on your injury"

My face heats up, "u-uh, s-sure"

They slowly open the door and step in, they walk over to the tub and I turn my back to them. And I sit up on to my knees. (Girl): I pull my hair out of the way so they can see my back, while using one hand to cover my chest. (Boy): (if you have long hair same thing as girl)

"Vell, it looks very bruised and painful still, ven you are done before you dress please tell me and I'll come apply some medication to it." I slip back down under the bubbles and turn to them and nod.

After another 30ish minutes I step out of the tub and grab my towel wrapping it around me loosely, I crack the door open and see bloodhound sitting at the little desk reading a book, "u-uh b-bloodhound I'm finished" they get up and grab something out of their bag and walk over. They turn my around (long hair): and grab my hair moving it to the side.) they gently pull down my towel till my back is completely exposed. They take a tube and apply something to my back, and tell me they have finished but to take a pill they handed me too. I got dressed into very comfy and lose pajamas, and I take the pill.

I come out of the bathroom and walk over to the bed, "are you comfortable vith me sleeping next to you, if not I'll lay on the floor" they say, "you can sleep on the bed with me m, you been so kind I'd hate for you to sleep somewhere so uncomfortable." I get on one side and get comfortable. They get on the other side, I feel so safe that I fall asleep almost instantly.


End of chapter eight

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