Chapter 12 | history repeats itself

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"Vake up y/n" bloodhound shakes me, "hurry and get changed I'll meet you back at you room!" They say. I have no idea what's happening, but I do as he told me.

I run across the hall to my room, I hear yelling and screams from every direction, I grab my combat clothing and quickly put it on. I look around and find my sword, I won't use it unless I really need to. Bloodhound comes inside my room, with everyone else right behind them. "Ok so what's going on?" Bangalore questions, then Carlos comes through the door, " your highness! The neighboring planet found out your here and that you are the queens legitimate child. They sent troops to get you, were holding them off for now but, we can't for much longer. Please you must leave!" "No I won't leave, if I'm the queens child, I am heir to the thrown here. So I will take responsibility and protect you all, I will carry out her wish."

"Ve vill help you to" bloodhound says and the others nod, "oh yeah! And now we're not in the games, so our abilities aren't held back we can let it all out!" Octane yells, that's right I forgot I'll be able to do more than crate a wall, and I'll be able to use my sword longer too. "Let's go" we walk to the front line, I go past and everyone stops fighting, and a (man/woman) walks up to me, "so you were my darling queens child hmm" I don't say a word, "you don't have to say anything, I can tell by your white hair and those beautiful eyes of yours. Ooh how I longed to see them again. The way you are glaring at me! All that hatred! Yes! More more more I never want to see that loom disappear! I'll take you and keep you as my little pet forever!" They reach out to touch my hair, I throw my wall up, they staggered back unprepared for me to fight back. "Ahh yes I see you also gained her ability's as well ooh this will be so much fun! Charge!" They yell out "charge!" I say back. Both armies clash.

(Time skip)

It's been an hour, the (man/woman) is still standing in front of me not even breaking a sweat, "getting tired I see, let's wrap this little tantrum up shall we" I pull up another wall, I can't go much longer. Maybe I should just leave with them and everything and everyone will be ok. I look around everyone is extremely exhausted, we're losing. No we lost.

"Fine!" I yell


"I'll go with you. Just leave everyone else alone."

"Was that so hard hmm? I'm not sure why it was that hard for your mother but it's fine I have you now."

"No! Vait! Y/n don't go please ve can do this!"

"I'm sorry"

Just as I'm about to take the (man/woman's) hand ships come and land behind us, one opens up. "Hey kiddo, long time no see huh" it's, it's him the man who took me to the apex games, he's back. " though maybe you could use some help" lifeline says "thank you" I tear up. "Well kid let's do this" more people come out and start fighting with us.

(Time skip)

We almost did it were about to win, after another hour of fighting back. It's just me and them, I tell everyone to stay back. I have to do this. For my parents. For my people. For bloodhound.

"Well you think you can kill me on your own huh"

Ha I grab my sword it's time. I won't hold back on them. I unsheathed it, I feel my body start to tingle and warm up. Then after a second, I feel like I'm invincible, my muscles feel 100x stronger my senses too. My horns grow a bit, my eyes glow, and my hair grows. And I charge at them. Every time I land a hit so do they, we exchange hits for another 30 minutes, everyone watching, scared, confused, and worried about who will win. We both now are heaving in air, sweating, both obviously in pain. More I just need a little more strength. I feel like I'm going to fall over. I can't stand, I start to fall.

Then four pairs of arms grab me and help me up, I look to see my parents. They smile at me, I smile back. They put one arm on each side of my back then one on the sword on my hands. We raise the sword into the air, it glows, a beam comes out from the top of it. And I look the (man/woman) in the eyes, "see you later" I smirk, and we pull the sword down sending the beam of light right at them. We did it they are dead. I turn to thank my parents, they just smile and disappeared.

The pain from everything hits me, I fall to the ground. I can barely keep my eyes open, I see people rush over to me, bloodhound falls to the ground and pulls me into their arms, cradling my limp body. "I did it?!" "Yes you did my love, let's just focus on getting you better now ok?" They say, I nod "ok" I smile, " I love you so much you know that?" I say "and I love you" they press their head to mine and I drift off to sleep.


End of chapter twelve

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