Chapter 9 | home

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I wake up with bloodhounds arms wrapped around my waist, my back is pressed against their torso, the heat coming from them eases my pain. So I decided to just cuddle up closer, they don't wake up for another 45 minutes, and when they do they just lay there. "Good morning did you sleep vell?" "Mmhmm, thank you" I reply, "so one more day until I'm home." My stomach fills with butterflies, I'll be home. I've only been gone for about two weeks, but it feels like I haven't seen it for years.

We end up getting out of bed after a few minutes of silence, bloodhound walks over and helped me up because of my back, "it feels a lot better than before thanks to you" I smile, "I'm glad I vas able to help" we walk out to get breakfast, I eat in silence, listing to everyone else's conversations. My heart is racing tomorrow, I'll go back to the house I grew up in, where my parents were killed, where I meet the man who showed me that I wasn't alone in the world.

The rest of the day was a blur, it was finally time for me and bloodhound to go to bed, "are you nervous?" They ask me, "I'm not sure, I'm feeling so many different emotions, I just want to know what my parents were keeping from me." We lay down, "w-would you maybe mind u-uhm holding me like you did last night?" I ask them. "O-oh o-of course" they blush and wrap their arms around me pulling me close. "Thank you" I snuggle closer and fall asleep.

I wake up alone in the bed, I instantly hop up, it's today, I'll be home. I rush and get dressed, and run out to the cockpit to get ready for landing. Everyone is there talking and getting ready to land. "Are ya ready?" Lifeline asks, "YES!" I say back, she giggles and we sit down and buckle up.

We land, I unbuckle and run to the door, everyone follows close behind me, wandering how terrifying my home was. The door opens and we're all meet with cool air rushing towards us, the forests still beautiful and glowing, everyone gasps at how pretty the planet is, "these vere the exact coordinates you vere picked up from" bloodhound says, I walk out of the ship and retrace my steps, I fine the burial site of my parents, and just beyond that is my old home.

I walk up to the building, and open the door, the living room is still a mess, from when my parents were killed, I try and ignore it and I start looking around at the rooms I never knew existed. They others look around too. I find myself making my way back to my old room, on the way I end up back in the room I found my sword and the screen with all of the cameras. I walk over to the desk, and open a drawer. I see a notebook, I open it up to read it. . . .

(The notebook):

My name is Jeff House, I'm currently going by the last name l/n. I'm posing as y/n l/n's father, and my co-worker is posing as their mother. If we happened to die, and you some how stumble upon this house, go no further. Beyond that door is a monster, the entity that destroyed our planet and its people. The only reason we have contained it here and keep it alive is because our dear ruler (Queen/King) Serenity is still somewhere inside of it. If we have passed please. Kill them.


I slam the book shut, "n-no . . . T-this can't be right. . . I'm no monster . . . This is, it's got to be some kind of twisted joke . . ." Everyone hears me and slowly comes near me, "I-I can't be the entity, I . . . I am." I start to cry, I am the entity, I remember now. Every time I touch the sword I am able to tap into my ability's from the entity. And the seal from Serenity keeps it in dormant until I touch it. I grew these horns and fangs because I've been using my sword so much I'm slowly becoming the entity.

What do I do? . . .

End of chapter nine

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