Chapter 18 | burr

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After eating some food, I find my sleeping back in between bloodhound and Carlos, I get inside mine and they both follow me, and get into theirs, "are you comfortable your highness?" "Yes thank you Carlos, please don't worry to much" I smile, bloodhound is visibly uncomfortable. They lay down and turn away from me, I frown. "Are you comfortable hound?" They reply with a simple yes. Hmph, fine then. I turn my back to them as well, throwing the covers over my face. And we all go to sleep.


The sun hits my face, peaking through the trees. I yawn, stretching my arms above my head. "Good morning your highness, I've prepared breakfast." He hands me a plate. "After you finish eating we should pack up and head back to the village" I nod and begin to eat the food he gave me. Bloodhound silently packs all of their stuff and wait for me to finish, then Carlos insisted on helping me gather all of my belongings. We walk back in a weird silence.
"So how did you sleep last night hound?" I ask trying to start up a conversation. "It was fine" they are definitely not in a good mood at all today, but why? I decide not to push them and just stay quiet.

We've been walking for two hours, and we decided to stop and take a little break, bloodhound sits on a fallen tree, I sit bedside them, they stand up to move away, but I grab their hand before they got to far. "What's wrong? Please you can talk to me" I ask desperately, "let go, you obviously don't need me by your side anymore" they pull their arm from my hands. "W-what?! What do you mean of course I need you!" They scoff and walk away. I stand up and storm off in the other direction.

After cooling down, I realized I wondered kinda far away, and I turn to head back, but my foot slips, and I tumble down a hill. Near the bottom of the hill, I hit my head on a rock, Cajuns to go unconscious.

"Where did the (princess/prince) go?" Carlos asks bloodhound, "vernt you suppose to look after them?" They spit back, "I went to fetch water to give you two some space to work out what ever problem you two are having right now" he replies. "Vhat ever let's go find them" they bother set off in the direction I stormed off on.

O-ow I hold my hand up to my head. I sit up and it's starting to get dark. I need to find a spot to stay while bloodhound tracks me down, I know they don't want to be by me right now but I also know they will come and find me. Right? What if they really don't want to be with me anymore, then I need to go find somewhere to stay for the night. I stand up and walk around, I'm walking and it's almost pitch back now and it's starting to rain. I stumbled upon a cave, I peak my head in. It's empty so I head inside. I-it's cold I bring my knees to my chest and hug them close trying to warm up a bit.

The rain is throwing off bloodhounds tracking, it's washed my footsteps away and any trace of me. "No no no!" They yell, "we need to make camp for the night, y/n is smart. They will be ok" Carlos puts a hand on bloodhounds shoulder. They nod and agree.

I wake up even colder, it's still dark. My body feels extra heavy. I look around a notice that the cave is starting to fill with water. I stand up quickly and grab my bag. The water is up to my knees. I struggle to walk out of the cave. Once I'm out I keep walking, hoping to dry off. I shiver. And find a new spot for the rest of the night. It's on the side of another cliff. It's got a little hole in the rock that my body just fits in, so I lay in it and fall asleep.

(Next day)

I wake up to white. I-it's snow. All of the rain froze and is blanketed by a fresh coat of snow. Why did bloodhound have to get all emotional!! Now I'm stuck in this mess. I get up and my stomach growls. All I have is some left over breakfast so I gobble it down. And set off wondering around the white glowing forests.

(Bloodhound p.o.v)

Ve wake up to snow covering the ground, it's perfect. I'll be able to track y/n much easier now.  Me and Carlos get up and pack everything, heading off to find y/n. After walking for a vhile of valking around I find a cave, that flooded and froze over, but outside of it is y/n's key chain from there bag. I head in the same direction that I'm positive they vent. After another hour, Ve find the spot y/n camped at for the night. And I see old footsteps in the snow, they look about two hours old, that means we are not far behind them. So I speed up my search.

(Your p.o.v)

I've been waking for about two more hours, I'm exhausted, I can't tell where I'm going and even looks the same with the snow covering it. I see an opening in the forest and go towards it, I decide to use it as a short cut to get to the other side of the forest. Not knowing that my companions were just behind me. *crack* I stop, my body freezes, *CRACK* "y/n!!!" I turn and see bloodhound and Carlos, "don't move!" Bloodhound yells at me. I don't but the ice still breaks. I fall through.

My body is enveloped in numbness, I can't get back up, I'm pushed away from where I fell through so the ice won't budge. I'm so tired, I can't get out. I give up.

"I see them!" Bloodhound raises their axe and swings it down, I'm pulled out of the water. They take me off the lake and Carlos had set up a tent. "I'll go back to the village to get help. Stay here I'll be back as soon as I can" Carlos heads off. Bloodhound takes me into the tent zipping it closed behind. My body shivers like crazy. "Y-n! Y/n I need you to vake up for me!" I open my eyes. "Thank goodness, keep your eyes open for me!" They strip me down to my underwear, and grab their sleeping bag and mine. They take their shirt off and pull me into their chest. I'm so cold that the warmth from their body burns me, they notice my discomfort, " I know it feels like you are freezing and burning at the same time right now but you need to stay like this" they say pulling the sleeping bags onto us. They slowly lay us both down. The burning dies down and I feel cold again, I push my body as close to bloodhound as I can, they pull me closer too, "can I close my eyes now?" I ask my voice horse. "Yes my love go ahead" they brush their fingers through my damp hair. And I go to sleep.

When I wake up next I'm back in the village, bloodhound is in the bed right next to me and we both are in our underwear, I blush. "I guess you are feeling a bit better?" Bloodhound pulls me to their chest." I hold them back, "almost, did you mean it? You don't want me by your side anymore?" They pull my chin up so I'm looking straight into their eyes, "I am so sorry my love, I got jealous. My actions vere unexcept-able. Can you ever forgive me?" I smile and kiss them. "Of course"


End of chapter eighteen

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