Chapter 20 | your majesty

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I step out of my room, and walk down the hall to a huge door. Two guards bow and open them revealing a huge hall filled with people, I walk down the middle and towards the front where I see Carlos standing with the staff and the orb in his hands. I slowly wake my way to him. Once I'm up in front of everyone they begin with a long and if I'm being completely honest burning speech. After that I make a few vows. "I vow to protect all of the people, and this planet from any threats." Everyone cheers

I walk back down the hall and back to my room, I step outside on my balcony. Bloodhound comes in behind me, I turn around and hug them. "You look very nice in that suit" I say "thank you, you look very beautiful" they reply. I smile and sigh. I can't avoid this any longer, "hey Hound" I say they hmm is response, "I think we both have wanted to avoid talking about this but we need to. I'm (King/Queen) now. So I-I don't think I can leave and go back home with you anymore." I look at my feet. "I know my love, I've given this a lot of thought, and the games aren't vhat made me happy, it vas you. The Allfather led me to the games to meet you, so I vill follow you anywhere. All I vant to do is be vith you until my dying breath, because I love you more that anything in the universe." They lift their mask, right above their lips. Their hands cup my face and pull it towards theirs. I close my eyes as our lips collide. "I love you so much Hound" I press my four head against theirs. We stay in each others arms for the rest of the day.


End of chapter twenty

Sorry it's so so so short, I've been a little busy working on making another story and just normal everyday stuff. I'm planning on still continuing this story for about maybe like around 3-5 more good chapters. I want to make these last chapters have at lease over or around 2,000 words to make sure I can end it the way I want to. Thank you 😊

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