Chapter 10 | the truth

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I am the entity . . .

"Vhat are you talking about y/n?"

I hand them the book, and walk outside. Everyone gathers around bloodhound and takes turns reading the contents. Everyone is shocked, it all makes sense now, they decide to go find me, with bloodhound with them it will be no problem at all.

I'm walking I don't know where I'm going I've just got to go, I look around after a few minutes and see what looks like an old messed up road, and I decide to follow it to see where it leads. The road becomes more beautiful the further I go, it went from cobblestone to an almost glowing white crystal.


I turn to be greeted with a spear in my face, "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to intrude, but wait how are you here? Who are you?" There's more people here. More and more come out and surround me, slowly closing in. "We are the last surviving members of the serenity empire, and who are, wait. Your hair, those horns. You. You can't be." The man then bows down and everyone else follows his lead. "How we've longed for your return my (queen/king)." "W-what?! I'm not your (queen/king) don't you see the horns?! I'm the entity and I can't control it very well." I say. Then bloodhound and the others come out from behind the man, "y/n!" Bloodhound runs to me, grabbing my hands and saying, "are you ok, did they hurt you, who are they?!" I blush "I-I'm fine thank you and they are allies," they nod.

"I assume these people are with you your highness" they all look at me, "u-uhhmm y-yes they are" I say. "Please follow us we will take you to a safe place to stay" we follow. While walking I run up and stand next to the man who I first saw, "why, you must know I'm the entity who took away your (queen/king) you should have just killed me when you knew" I say, he replied with, "you really don't know the whole truth do you. I'll tell you the real story. . .

(Story: truth)

P.O.V (Queen/King) serenity

Another regular day at the castle, I signed official documents and tend to my people. I keep receiving a marriage proposal from a neighboring planet, a (man/woman) a little older than me, all they want is power though I continuously turn the proposal down. But they won't give up without a fight. But my head is already taken and set on another, everyone fears them because of their horns and fangs, but that makes me love them more. They are the last of their kind, a very strong and powerful species, I made up my mind, I will ask for their hand in marriage tonight.

(That night)

They enter the room, my heart races. . .
I ask them to marry me

. . .


They accept! I will tell the neighboring planet immediately, I tell my secretary to send word to them that i am officially engaged.

(The next week)


That's all I can hear. The sound of my people being slathered, my fiancé grabs my trembling body.
"My dear, I so wished I could marry you in front of the whole universe, but it looks like I cannot. I will hold them off save your people." They kiss my hand, they get up and walk away


Don't go
Don't leave me alone
I need you

. . .

Tears stream down my face, I see my lover use all of their power to hold back the neighboring planets troops, all this because I turn them down. I'll make them pay. I'll join you my love. I make sure my people are safe and away.

I run over to my loves body, "what are you doing *cough* g-go please" they say. "No we will be together forever my love, let us use the last of our power and save this planet. Let us become one and bring a child who will carry on our live for the rest of eternity." I grab their hand and press my four head to theirs. We give each other everything, we become one.

I love you

. . .

I love you more

. . .


"You are their child, you are both of them. You are their love" he says to me. I'm shocked. So they are my real parents. I'm not a monster, I sigh and start to cry tears of joy, I can't hold them back anymore, bloodhound pulls me close for a hug. "You mush be so relieved, I know I am" they say. "Bloodhound, I think I know what this feeling is, the feeling when I'm near you. I think, I think . . .


End of chapter ten

Haha cliff hanger, sorry ya gotta wait till tomorrow :)

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