Chapter 4 | first times the charm

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I wake up in my room, some one is sitting in a chair next to my bed, I look over and see bloodhound quietly sleeping in the chair. They look so peaceful even though I can't see their face. I smile and get up out of bed which wakes then up, " hmm oh y/n your awake how are you feeling?" They say while standing up and stretching their arms above their head. "Good morning bloodhound, thank you for looking out for me I'm doing just fine" I replied with a smile. "Hey did. . . Did I actually win my first game, and solo at that?" I ask. "Yes you did, I've never seen anyone as strong as you before, I rewatched today's games and you took the whole squad out that attacked us in the beginning of the games. You were incredibly fast, and your swordsmanship was amazing. But if you don't mind me asking I want to know how did you-" they get cut off with lifeline opening my door with octane. They run in and jump all over me, "no way you won you're first game solo (amigo/amiga)! That's crazy cool!" Octane says, "ya gotta come and celebrate with us now!" Lifeline adds. "A-alright I-" before I can finish my sentence lifeline drags me to a different room where there are tons of clothes. "Go on pick an outfit for da party" I look at all of the beautiful clothing hanging from the racks, I see one outfit that just calls out to me it's . . .

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Option 2:

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Option 3:

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Option 4:

"That one!" I smile and grab the soft material in my arms, " that's a good choice y/n

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"That one!" I smile and grab the soft material in my arms, " that's a good choice y/n. Get dressed then will go party!" Lifeline says. I go to the dressing room and change, I stare at myself in the mirror, mother and father would never let me wear something like this, it's amazing how far I've come in such a little amount of time. I step out and walk over to lifeline and we make our way to the elevator and head to the roof where the victory party is being held.

We arrive and all eyes are now on me, I gulp, "uh um h-hello everyone." I give a half smile. Everyone cheers and congratulated me on being the first person to win my first game, let alone solo. After a few minutes everyone goes back to doing their own thing and I walk around and end up bumping into bloodhound, "oh sorry for that y/n are you alright?" They say, "oh bloodhound I'm fine it was my fault anyways" I say looking at them, they are in a nice black tuxedo, they look great. "Y/n? ... y/n are you sure your alright?" They say while grabbing my shoulders. "O-oh y-yes sorry haha" I replied while rubbing the back of my neck. "Hey y/n would you like to be in my squad? You don't have to if you don't want to it won't offend me at all if you were to decline" they say while playing with their fingers. "I would love to team up with you!" They looked relieved when I accepted their offer.

We end up talking for hours about the most random things, it's so late but I don't want to leave their side. Why? We both sit on a bench together looking up at the stars and I end up falling asleep on their shoulder.

Bloodhounds P.O.V:

Y/n ended up falling asleep on my shoulder, it wasn't uncomfortable at all, I didn't want to move, but the air was becoming more chilled by the minute. So I decided to carry them back to their room, holding them in my arms feels so nice, why do they make me feel so warm? I set them under their covers and pat their head whispering goodnight.


End of chapter four

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