Chapter 25 | Male |

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on our way up to our room, Bloodhound grabs my hand, "ve should move back to Serice and settle down there, if you are alright vith it" i smile and agree, the doors open. and i'm tackled down, Bloodhound manages to grab me before i hit the ground, "you guys are going to start a family!!" rampart yells shaking my body around, Mirage runs over and pulls her back. "hah yes and were going to stop playing the Apex games and move back to Serice." they both loom sad but happy for us. "i'll miss ya mate" she hugs me, "don't you forget about naming the kid after me ok?" Mirage hugs me as well. I smile and nod. 

(three months later)

we moved back to Serice, Carlos loves having us here all the time, and we ended up adopting two kids, one little girl we named elly for Mirage, and the other is a little boy we named after Bloodhounds uncle, Artur. Everyday here is heaven with the love of my life, and our children, I've never been happier . 


End of chapter twenty five

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