Chapter 24 (female) |

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It's been two weeks since me and Bloodhound found out we are having a child, they immediately went down to Liz to tell her the news. "That's amazing!" she says, "No More participation in the games for about a year for you!" she says walking over to me and giving me a hug. I nod and hug her back. And then we head back up to our room, and while were in the elevator Bloodhound says, "Ve should look for our own house now." they grab my hand and squeeze it. I smile and agree, and the doors open up and we walk out. I'm tackled to the ground, Bloodhound manages to grab me and pull me away before my body hits the ground, I thank them. "YOU'RE HAVING A KID!!" Rampart yells and shakes me, Mirage runs over and grabs her holding her back, "i'm sorry guys I didn't think she was going to react like this" he says. I laugh and Bloodhounds just sitting there very uncomfortable. "Ah well I see your parent instincts are already setting in eh?" she says shoving Mirage off her. I can just tell Bloodhounds face is as red as a tomato right now. 

(One month) 

me and Bloodhound have been looking for a house to settle down in, and we both agreed that we wanted to settle down on Serice, and then we could tell everyone there the big news. were about ten minutes away from Serice. we land and Carlos as usual is first to greet us, I hug him and Bloodhound does as well, over the past two years they have become very close friends. "SO you guys moving here permanently now?" i nod and he smiles, "It's so nice to have you here full time now your highness" he bows down, i laugh and tell him to stop it. he stands up. "there will be one more person staying with us, in our room." I tell him, he looks confused. I then point down to my stomach, and he freaks out, "Are Are Are you  Are you?" i nod. 

(Two months)

I brush my teeth, after having the worst morning sickness ever, I just recently started having terrible morning sickness. Bloodhound always gets up with me no matter how late or early to comfort me. We also decided to wait to see the gender till the birth.

(Three months)

my bump is now starting to show a little bit, and Bloodhound is even more protective, but it's kinda cute.

(Four months) 

one word, Cravings. I feel so bad, I get so emotional and upset if I don't have the food I want. And Bloodhound always feels bad when I cry over it. like right now, "i-i-i-i j-just want a-a-a piece of Pizza" I sob on our bed, Bloodhound doesn't have their mask on and you can see the worry on their face, "a-alright my love, just, just give me a minute ok i'll get you some pizza." they warp their arms around me, "what kind?" I wipe my tears and sniffle, "j-just cheese please" *sniff* they rub my back and head out to get me the food. Every time they return with what I wanted, I feel so terrible and apologize over and over, but they always tell me, "My love do not vorry, I love you, and this is the least i could do for you. and seeing you satisfied and happy eating makes me happy." 

(Five months )

not much has changed, just the baby growing. 

(Six months)

everyone is getting ready, we have a room, and were getting all the supplies for the baby. we went with a gender neutral color.

(Seven months) 

Mirage, Lifeline, Octane, and Rampart all came to visit us, "soo did you decide on names yet?" mirage askes giving me the you know look, "yes we did talk about names, if it is a girl, we decided on elly violet serenity, and if it is a boy,  Artur serenity. Bloodhound hugs me. 

(Eight months) 

it's hard to move around now, Bloodhound always helps me get around. 

(Nine months) 

it's time any day now the baby will be here,  me and Bloodhound are just enjoying our breakfast in the garden, where they proposed to me. And all of the sudden, hound. "hmm" they look up, "Vhat? are you alright?" my face in shock, "it's time" they stand up quickly and run to get the nurses. and in a few hours we meet our son, and our daughter. turns out i had twins and we couldn't be happier. 


end of chapter twenty four, thank you for reading. this is the end of the story except for the male ending. Goodbye :( :)

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