Chapter 5 | first squad

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I wake up to the alarm again, and Liz by my side, good morning (miss/mr) l/n, "we will get you fitted into your combat suit now then you will follow the red line today to your squad and begin today's games" she tells me. We get up and walk to the same room I got my outfit from the party last night, wait how did I get back to my room. I remember falling asleep on bloodhounds shoulder, maybe he took me to bed. I feel terrible for making him take care of me, I must have been a bother. "Here put these on" Liz says while I go change.



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"Wow I love it thanks Liz!" I smile and hug her

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"Wow I love it thanks Liz!" I smile and hug her. She nods and I follow the red line to meet my squad, "vell how was your night y/n?" Bloodhound greets me with, "I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause any trouble for you or waste your time." I blurt out at them. "It's was no trouble" they say. Then mirage walks in, "hey hey heyyy partnered up with the camp!" He yells, "yes hello to you as well mirage" I giggle.

Bloodhound P.O.V:

"Yes hello to you as well mirage" y/n says and giggles. Hmph. Why do I feel jealous, they don't belong to me, anyways they seem to be enjoying themselves, who am I to interfere with that. "Oh just noticed you got your new combat uniform huh looks great on you haha wink" mirage says while pointing both fingers at them and winking, why didn't I think to say that sooner. We all sit down and discuss where we want to land, y/n suggests we land at the crash site, we all agree and wait till it's time to drop. We stand on the platform, it starts to move down "eekk!" Y/n yelps out and grabs onto my hand tightly. I look over into their eyes, "vould you like to dive vith me again y/n I wouldn't mind." "Yes! T-thank you bloodhound I really appreciate it I'm not used to being up in the sky let alone falling from it." They say. They don't know but under this mask I'm smiling.

Y/n P.O.V:

I drop with bloodhound again, we land at the crash site and start looting the place, we all find level two body shields and helmets, guns, and meds. Just in time too, "hey guys I think I hear footsteps" mirage yells out to us, "All Father Give Me Sight!" The same orange spots extend from bloodhound, highlighting three enemies outside our building.

I run outside the building, but don't go to far, I get electrocuted by a fence that was placed in front of the door, my body burns and I can't see straight, my heating is just ringing. I try to get up and calm down, but I look up and see Bangalore holding a shotgun to my head, "did your weapon malfunction or did you" she says, right as she's about to pull the trigger I throw my wall up, but due to how close we were it throws me back and I hit my back really hard on a few metal boxes that were stacked by the building. I push through the pain and look for her she's running around to the other side to get me from behind, I get my pistol out and drag myself into the corner of the room, and wait for her to come. Bang! Bang! I hear the sound of two people die, was it bloodhound and mirage or did they manage to kill the enemies. My grip tightens on the gun I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to my location, I put my finger on the trigger and "vait! Y/n! It's me" bloodhound says while rushing over to my side, "vhat happens to you, are you alright, where are you hurt!" They quickly dig through their bag grabbing out some meds. " well I walked into an electric fence and Bangalore almost got me I panicked threw up my wall, it threw me! And I slammed my back on those metal boxes outside. Then I dragged myself in here and now here we are. How is mirage is he ok?" I ask "awee worried about little ol me huh I'm fantas-fates-fatist uhh good" he smiles "good we're all ok" I sigh with relief, "I'm going to have to lay you on your stomach and lift your shirt to take a look at your back if you don't mind y/n" bloodhound states. "Ok wait STOP OW OW OW!" Moving the tiny bit I did hurt so bad, my eyes tear up, " g-guys I-I-I don't think I can move, it hurts soo bad" I say starting to sob. "Hmm, I'm so sorry y/n but ve have to move you it's going to hurt, but I'm going to put you on my back and we'll got to the safe zone and then we'll find a spot to stay for a while and rest ok?" Bloodhound says, I just nod. "Sorry buddy" mirage says while grabbing under my arms and helping get me on bloodhounds back, I scream until my throat is completely horse and dry, I end up passing out while they take me to the safe zone.


End of chapter five

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