Chapter 3 | first day

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I wake up to an alarm, and Liz by my side. "Good morning (miss/mr.) l/n, it's time to get you fitted and geared up for your training today." She says while I get up and stretch my arms over my body. She leads me to the elevator and we head down a few floors, "today you will be joining a team and following them during there time alive in the game, we will allow you to wear some gear today that will grant you immortality in the arena. But only for today, then tomorrow you will join as one of the contenders, while you are granted immortality you won't be able to help the team you're with." Liz explains to me. She hands me black skin tight suit to put on, and then on top of that a vest and a belt with a few items on it, I'm also given a backpack with some water and food, because they are unsure how long the squad I'll be joining is going to last. Some times the game take up to or a little over 24 hours depending on who's doing how well.

"Now it's time for you to go join squad number two, follow the yellow line on the floor and it will take you to your spot on the drop ship and to your comrades." Liz says. "Thank you for all your help Liz," I say while walking on the yellow line to the drop ship.

"Eehyyy y/n! Are ya gonna be joining us today?" Lifeline yells while waving me over to her, "are you squad two?" I ask. "Ya! Me bloodhound and dis grump, revenant." She says while pointing to the robot man that was watching me introduce myself from the shadows yesterday. He looks me in the eyes, just staring. He's making my body shake a little bit I try to not let him know I'm scared of him.

"Vell hello again y/n" bloodhound holds their hand out to shake mine. I shake it. Then we all sit around waiting and choosing a spot to land, they show me the map and where everything is at, hot drops, etc. then we arrive where we need to drop, my heart races. I've never jumped out of a ship before, bloodhound notices how nervous I am, " Nervous? Are we y/n. Do not vorry if you vant you could drop vith me." They offer. " r-really I would appreciate it." I smile. They hold out their hand and I place mine in theirs, we all step onto the platform, it starts to lower. Cold air rushes into my face engulfing my body making me shiver, looking down makes my stomach turn. Bloodhound squeezes my hand "ready?", "yes I-I'm ready" I reply. Then we jump, the air rushes past me and the ground gets closer and closer with every blink, it's actually kinda nice, I feel so free.

We end up landing at the bunker, and it looked like one other squad did as well. We head in, I follow them as they all look around for loot, they end up finding each a level one body armor and helmet, they each find at least one gun and some meds as well, we continue walking down the stairs. Then someone shoots, the bullet goes right through my body, I rub my stomach nothing I don't even feel anything. I really am immortal with this, "cough, cough" I hear someone behind me coughing. I turn to see bloodhound on the ground clutching their stomach, lifeline rushes to his side, taking D.O.C. Out to start treating his wounds, "all father give me sight!" He yells out and an orange spotted circle extends around us, I can now see three outlines of people. Revenant puts up his death totem and all three of them enter it and rush into battle, revenant also silences all three of the enemies. After a few moments of gun fire they are all sent back to the totem. "Those filthy skinbags are so weak now, let's finish them." He says while tuning back over. "No wait!" Lifeline yells, " caustic is on that team and!" She's cut off by a grenade landing by our feet, gas pours out engulfing all of us in it, they all cough and scream out. I'm completely fine though but it hurts me to see them all suffer in front of me and I can't do a thing to help them.

"Liz! Can you hear me!" I yell into my phone. "Yes (miss/mr.) l/n how may I assist you?" "Can you take away my immortality?" I ask, "I can, but then you will be considered a solo player in the arena, and you'll be part of today's games. Are you sure that's what you want?" She asks, "yes that's exactly what I want." "Alright (miss/mr) I'll start you off with the same loot as squad two. Good luck out there." She hung up.

A new robotic female voice says:

Welcome to the apex games, here are your abilities,
Tactical - you have your enhanced senses (smell, taste, hearing, movement)
Ability 1 - you can create a wall/ barrier in front of you and your team mates, that will deflect incoming artillery, it lasts for 15 seconds.
Ultimate ability - you can use your sword, and when you unsheathe it you will go into a berserk mode, your memory of it will be discarded when it's over, it lasts for 45 seconds.

Announcement: y/n l/n has now officially joined the Apex games and is completing solo, they are now no longer granted immortality.

I stand up I can now smell the left over residue from caustics gas grenade, it's disgusting. My former squad is on the ground behind me trying to recover from the gas, the enemy team rushes towards us. I throw up my wall, it's beautiful it's like a holographic crystal I admire it for a second and run over to lifeline, "can you use D.O.C. And get everyone out of here?!" I yell, "*cough, cough* uuhh ya no problem, thanks we all owe ya one y/n." She says, "no worries, now go I'll handle these guys." She nods and drags revenant and bloodhound out of the bunker. My wall has five seconds left before it disappears, so I run into a room but leave the door open like the others to make it less suspicious. I hear them run past me. Now I'll get them from behind, before then get to the others. "How much longer until my ultimate is ready Liz?" "About two minutes (ma'am/sir)" she replies. I can hold them off for two minutes easy peasy.

I run out my wall ability is almost ready again, so I'll throw a thermite at them to get them to focus on me then when they attack I'll throw my wall up and lead them away. By then my ult should be ready then I'll get them.

I carefully pull out the thermite and hide behind a supply bin watching the enemy team get closer and closer to lifeline, just as they are about to ambush her and the others I throw it. Boom! I hit someone, and they now have no shield, they all turn to me and aim at me, right as the enemy wraith shoots her gun my wall comes up. They see me run, and they follow me, what I didn't know was that lifeline and the others did to shortly after to see what I was planing. I'm hiding behind a rock and the enemies are just about here, good thing my ultimate is now ready, I smirk. And they walk around the rock. I activate my ability, and next thing I know I'm heavily breathing over three death boxes. Sweat dripping down my entire body, my legs shaking. I decide to loot a bit, I obtain a level four body armor and helmet, more ammo and some more meds and grenades. I go into a building, checking my map, I'm in the safe zone. Now I'm on my own, at least I got the others out of there, but now I may have to face them soon. I sigh and grab a sandwich out of my bag and some water to eat.

I decided to wait until there are two other squads left to engage in anymore fighting. I'll get the last ones right after they fight and are exhausted and weak.

(Time Skip)

Announcement: three squads left!

Now I run to a empty building in the small safe zone, guns firing at one another, I barely peach out a crack in the wall. Waiting for an opportunity to get someone, my ult and my wall are ready, I just have to be careful how I decide to use them.

Announcement: two squads remaining

I run as fast as I can over to the building that the last squad is healing up after that last battle the ended not long ago, they see me. It's revenant, "hahaha well would you look at this the last skin bag is little y/n you're all mine!" He yells and runs over to me. He shoots his mastiff at me I throw up my wall. "Shit!" He yells, I run behind him and shoot him in the head with my pistol. One down two more I think, lifeline and bloodhound.


Quick footsteps come from behind, no. No. NO I should have saved my wall now I have no choice but to ult right her and now. ARRRAHHH! I scream and use it.

Announcement: this is your apex champion.

I open my eyes people stand everywhere, flashes of light blind me. "I-I can't breathe." I say in a whisper, my head is pounding, my body numb and wobbly. I give up and pass out.


End of chapter three

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