Chapter 14 | back to the daily grind

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I wake up, bloodhound by my side, their arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close. I turn so my stomach and face are facing theirs, they took off their helmet and mask last night for the first time, they have semi-long reddish hair, they have a beautiful face, with some scars here and there but they don't look bad, they look nice. Bloodhound shifts a little and opens their eyes, they blush, "o-oh sorry I'll put my helmet and mask back on!" They sit up and reach over to the bedside table, I sit up too, and I jump onto of them, giggling, "you don't need to do that, you look beautiful my dear." I smile and caress their face and kiss their four head. "O-oh t-thank you" they say blushing even more. "Soooo, you have a game to compete in today right?" I ask "no" they say, "huh?" I'm confused, "Ve have a game to complete in today" no way I get to complete today! I smile and giggle hugging them and showering them with little pecks, they laugh and hug me back. "Ve must get ready now" I jump up off of them and run over to my closet, and grab out my uniform. I go to the bathroom and change. I come out and bloodhound is all ready for me and we hold hands and walk down the hall following the red line for our squad.

"Oh ya the dream team back together again!" Mirage says as we walk through the door. He holds his hand up I go to high five it, "down low to slow haha" he says while pulling his hand away and down. I playfully punch him in the arm. "Vere vould you like to land my love?" "Oh oh oh! We got pet names now huh? What mine gonna be?" Mirage jokes, hmm " how about you're porky!" We all laugh, "back to your question hound, how about here" I point to the bunker on the map. They both agree and we prepare to drop.

The platform lowers, the air rushes into me I missed this feeling, it makes me feel so free. I grab bloodhounds hand and squeeze it. They look over and nod squeezing back. "Ready?" They ask, "ready" I reply. We jump, heading to the place I first played with and against the one I fell in love with, all the memories of my first game come back to me. It was fun, and I look forward to the games for the rest of my life, "hey guys?" I get my squads attention "we should stick together, we should never disband the dream team." They laugh, "well of course not why would you even question my loyalty to you guys I'm hurt" mirage throws himself into the wall. I laugh, "so sorry how can you ever forgive me!" I say dramatically, he thinks for a second, " hmm well how about when you guys have a kid ya name them after me" he stands proudly. I blush and so does bloodhound under their mask.

"What ever let get back to the games ok, I want my first game back a victory!" I put my fist in the air. Mirage and bloodhound clap and agree. We all end up finding level two body armor and helmets, I find a wingman and an r301, some ammo and three arc-stars. We head to the circle, *wizz* a bullet flies past my head, I warn the others and we take cover, "All Father give me sight!" The enemy squad is highlighted in orange just above us on the hill. Hmm, "I'll throw up my wall, and we can take that time to get to higher ground!" They nod and I throw it up, we run around and climb up above the enemy squad, I pull out my r301 and knock two of them. "Ha ha time to shoot some plunkas!" Then a red line hits mirage's stomach, a mini gun starts firing at us, mirage is downed. He makes his way to me and I revive him behind a rock, "who is that?" I ask, "w-well I think that my friend is the new legend" mirage stutters, "and you know them?" I ask "m-maybe" he blushes. I gasp, "no way! Ha ha ha ha you did the nasty with them didn't you oh my god mirage ha ha ha!" I can't help myself from bursting into tears and laughing violently. "Vhat is goin on?" "No! Y/n if you tell them I'll-" I cut him off, "mirage did the DO with the new legend!" I continue to laugh and I grab onto my stomach. Bloodhound silently giggles. "Come on guys stop it's not that funny, plus we gotta do something about her right now or we're gonna lose your oh so precious first game back" he says, I think. "Ok ok how about , you two distract her and I'll sneak behind and use my ult." "Fine" mirage says, "it's doobs o'clock!" He pops his ult him and bloodhound distract the new legend. I sneak around behind her walls and mini gun, and I use my ult!

I open my eyes and I'm sitting in a building with bloodhounds coat covering me, I hate that I can't remember what happens in the games when I use my sword, well they have to keep it somewhat balanced. "Well look who's up" mirage throws a sandwich at me, I catch it and eat it. Bloodhound walk in and sits next to me, "vell there is only one more squad left" they say. "Yes I'm going to make the best comeback ever!" I took around like a kid. We discuss and form a plan, we will all charge up our abilities and ults, and then we will give the last team absolute hell.

Announcement: ring closing

We run into the last circle, and I see octane, revenant, and caustic. That's a terrible combination, I don't think winning this is going to be as easy as we were anticipating. Ok maybe new plan, we need to take out one at a time, separate them, I explained to both of my teammates. They nod and we go to work, mirage sends two decoys, revenant being a stuck up hard ass insisted he go follow one alone while the other two follow the other. We follow revenant and when he finally realizes it's a fake we jump out and down him, "should we finish?" Mirage asks, "no he'll be bait" I reply. The other two come over and me and bloodhound use our ults to finish them.

Announcement: here our your apex champions!

I open up my eyes, we did it I'm made the best comeback ever!


End of chapter fourteen

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