Chapter 22 | together forever

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I take a deep breath and walk down the isle, my hearts pounding, once I see Bloodhound my heart stops, they look beautiful. Tears of joy start to fill my eyes, but I do my best to hold them in, because I don't want to ruin my makeup. They aren't wearing their mask or helmet.  I get to the front where Bloodhound is waiting for me, once we made eye contact their eyes overflow with tears and they smile, "you look absolutely stunning my love" they say taking my hand and turning to the priest. "do you y/n l/n take Bloodhound to be your husband, to live together in (holy or not) matrimony, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" they ask me, "i do" "do you Bloodhound take y/n to be your (husband/wife), to live together in (holy or not) matrimony, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do" Bloodhound says squeezing my hands in theirs. "I now pronounce you married, you may now kiss" I smile and lean in closer to them, our lips connect and we kiss, completing the ceremony. "I love you so much y/n" they say, "I love you more houndy" i giggle. "woooohooo" Octane jumps up and down with his fist high up in the air, "what did I tell you chicka! I knew they would get married within a year! hand me my money!!" he says, lifeline just laughs and shakes her head, "you two are pretty cute" she admits. I smile, we walk over to dance together, then after that we cut the cake and eat. 

time for the flower toss! I turn around and throw the flowers in the air, I turn around and see that Loba caught it, see looks over at Bangalore and smiles, Bang just blushes and looks away. They'll be a cute couple I think to myself. After a few more hours of dancing and laughing we all finally go home and call it a night. "This was an amazing day, I'm so glad we got married." I say to Bloodhound while we walk into our shared room inside of the palace. "Yes my love, now we will be together forever." I smile and go over to the bathroom with a new change of clothes, some nice and soft pajamas. Bloodhound does the same and changes into their pajamas as well. I come out from the bathroom to see Bloodhound laying in the bed, I smile and go to lay down with them. "mmm, Goodnight my love" they say, "Goodnight" I reply back with. We both lay down in each others arms and drift off into sleep. 


sorry its another short one, but I want to upload more often but just don't have very much time to spare so this is all I can come up with today :)

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