Our Poem Together

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I was starting to feel a bit down due to the situation, but Razor tried to cheer me up, and it worked! Razor patted my head, the best he could at least, with the gate in the way. I enjoyed it, even though it was a second, it made me feel ten times better.

'Only my dads did that whenever I was feeling down. It's nice coming from someone else too.'

I shake away everything on my mind and begin to think about what to do for the time being.

A smile, still lingering on my face.

"Hmm... I still have that poem to write! I should work on that!"

From what Razor said, I shouldn't be getting down, so I should start using the time we have to do my homework Venti had gave me.

"Razor wish to help too."

I look to razor, he doesn't seem like the poem type of person, but we did only just meet; I hope we get to know eachother more later on. I dont want this to be the last time we meet.

I give a big smile, happy to have his help.

"Hehe, sure you can! We'll work on it together."

Time passed and it is nearing sunset. 'Traveler sure takes their time.' I dont mind at all though, I've enjoyed my time with Razor, despite our curent situation. He's a bit quiet at times but, he's just nice to be around. He also ended up taking my last apple.

Dispite the circumstances we had to meet in, I believe we can be great friends.

"What is poem for?"

"Huh?" I turn towards Razor, breaking away from my thoughts. "Oh, my poem?"

I sudently remember what poem I was writing, a love poem.

Sudently I feel a bit flustered, I can feel the redness appearing on my cheeks.

"Ah, uh. Well, it's a... love poem. You know, you make it for a person you love and. well. give it. to them."

'I just sound really stupid right now.'

"Love poem. Who for? For your luprical?"

"Uh, luprical?"

"For family, for luprical."

"Well not this type, you're supposed to give this to a person who you like outside of family, a person you wish to be with."

"I wish to stay with you, after escape from gate, we are friends. Will poem be for me?"

"Well, It wasn't really meant for anyone, just some homework a bard in Mond. gave me. It would be a waste if I didnt give it to someone."

I think for a bit, not really seeing a reason not to hand it to him, its only homework after all.

"here! You can read it and tell me how it is."

I fold the paper into fours shaping it into a small square and hand the poem over to Razor, his fingers brush against mine.


Wait. No. All this love poem stuff has me thinking weird now.

He unfolds the paper, looking at it intensely, turning the paper in different angles, his eye fixed on the page.

'Is there a problem with it?'

"Is it bad?" I ask him.

His gaze breaks away from the poem, his eyes now on me, with a child-like curiosity.

"Oh no. Razor sure poem is good. It's just..."


"Razor, cant read."

"Oh. well, I could read it then, if you want."

He nods and hands the paper back again. I gently grab the paper and look at the words I had formed on the page moments ago. Sudently realizing how embarrassing it is to read my own poem, my own love poem.

'Wait, I'm going to read my poem!? How embarrassing.'

But it's to late, I take a gulp, pushing my embarrassment away and read my poem out loud.

'It's just one person, and its not like this poem really means anything. Right?'

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now