Favonius' New Guest

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I am currently sit in solitary confinement, experimenting with new bombs for when I leave.

"Klee." I head master Jean call out from behind the door.

I push my drawings and plans into my bag, hiding them from Master Jean. "Master Jean! Will I be leaving solitary confinement now?" I ask while running up to the door, as Master Jean enters.

"Well, yes. but I need you-"

"Yay, thank you Master Jean. You're the best!" I give Master Jean a hug.

Master Jean kindly grabs my shoulders and kneels down to my level. "Klee, I need you to go to Wolvendom. You know Razor, right?."

I give a big gasp "yes, I know Razor! He's my friend!" If I get to see Razor today, I can show him all my cool new plans.

"But why?" I ask Master Jean.

"Well, somethings have been going on in Wolvendom and Andrius, has well, asked us to see if we could watch over Razor. Until, things settle." Jean looks away, adovoiding details.

I wonder what's going on in Wolvendom, but I'm just glad I can see Razor today, and leave solitary confinement.

"Can you go do that for me Klee?"

I raise my hand to my hat and put my other behind me, shouting "Spark Knight Klee of the knights of Favonius, reporting for duty!"

I run off, leaving the Favonius building, putting on my backpack as Jean tells me to be safe.

I run into Wolvendom and I see Razor sitting under a tree with other wolves. I shout over to him. "Razor! Razor!"

Razor looks up over to me as I run up to him.

"Razor guess what! I'm out of confinement! Oh, but Master Jean says I have to bring you back to-"

"I know." Razor looks over to his family, who are still sitting under the tree.

A part of Razor looks sad.

"Are you okay?" I ask Razor to see If I could help.

"I am...okay. Lot on mind."

"Oh, I see." I grab hold of his hand and begin to walk over to Mondstadt. "You can tell me all about it on the way, okay Razor?"

Razor nods his head with a hum as a way of saying sure.

We soon reach the gate of Mondstadt.

Apparently, the wolf guy, Andrius, told Razor that he would stay with the knights for a while. Reason for this is because wolves from another pack have been getting mean about territory again.

But, Razor also mentions another thing.

"I, worry, about Bennett." Razor says.


"Bennett, seem off. I worry, if he okay. "

Razor looks sad again, but I came up with an idea.

"How about we find Bennett and see how he is? We can tell Bennett that you'll be staying in Mondstadt too."

Razor's seems happier after my offer, so before hearing Razor's response we begin running around Mondstadt in search of Benny.

His house. No.

The guild. Nope.

Cathedral. Not here.

"Oh no, it's late, Master Jean will be angry if we dont come back soon. Let's go to Jean. We can find Bennett tomor-" I stop as we see Bennett walking with a girl with blonde hair.

"Bennett!" I shout his name and I drag Razor along again.

"Bennett! Me and Razor were just looking for you..." I look at Bennett's clothes and see that his clothes are all wet.

"why are you soaked?"

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now