A Realization

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It has been about one moon since Book, Xingqiu, came to the Knights. I have now learned to say his name, but I still like to say Book.

We have become good friends, he helps me out lots, my speaking and words have grown a lot.

Book is staying in my room right now. He wanted to Hangout, he is reading a book of his own, I am on bed looking at Book, watching him read.

'Legend of the Shattered Halbred'

Bennett read that book once... I still miss Bennett.

want to see him.

I get up to drawers in my room. I am looking for things, that remind me, of him.

I find journal, klee made it, covered in lines with lots of color.

"Hmm, what's that?" Book, Xingqiu, had raised his head and saw journal.

He put his book down, sat next to me.

"Journal." I tell him.

"Oh, that's you Razor, if I'm not mistaken. Right?" He points to front picture.

My hair, long, and still in Wolvendom cloths.

"Yes, that is me. Picture, first day with knights."

"Wow, it's been so long." He looks with wide eyes at picture, looking at me and all knights. "It's been around a month and a half since you've been with the knights, right? How much you've changed is impressive, do you plan on staying in Mondstadt now?"

I look out window, to Wolvendom.

"No, I am a wolf, I will stay in Wolvendom, once I leave the knights and go back." I look at picture. I feel sad.

"May I ask why is your hair is shorter now, did you not like it long?"

Book asks me, looking at picture of me and me now.

"I wanted to cut hair, because..." I pause, look back. I cut hair because I felt different, from Bennettand others. I thought I could cut hair, show Bennett, and be suprise. I haven't seen him. I really want too. "I wanted to suprise a person. They mean very much to me." I finished.

"A person?" Xingqiu says again. "Well what did they think? I think it looks well on you."

"Never got to show them. They, dont really like me... I miss them a lot."

"Oh...I see, it's hard having feelings for a person that doesn't like you back."

I look at him, shocked, by choice of words. "Have feelings for..."

"Oh, that had not been what you meant, my apologies. The way you were- I just thought-"

Xingqiu apologizes, but I stop him. "No. Explain, what you mean by "have feelings" I want to know what you mean."

The way he put his words made me feel, weird, like what he said was true. Some way.

"Well, it's like you want to be with this person, enjoy your time with them, but not like your usual friends" he says. "Where you like little things about them, even if it they tend to be usual everyday things..."

He starts to go off, like he starts talks about a another person. "How he creates his own recipes to meet his tastes, how determined they are, to train everyday, and how they're eyes begin to shine when he's happy. Even when they–"

He cuts off.

"I'm sorry, I guess talking about them the way I did counts as an example too." He gives a happy laugh, a little red on his face.

I think about what Book had said. I do like Bennett a lot. Do I have feelings for Bennett?

Do I like Bennett?

Looking back to when we met at temple, Bennett was one of first friends, besides Klee.

Bennett was funny. Much talking, but said interesting things; I enjoyed listening to him, but not when eating. He was very happy, bright like sun. I liked seeing Bennett happy. Bennett had pretty smile. When I saw Bennett leave, my heart had hurt. A lot. When he ran with girl, it hurt even more, hurts thinking of it.

I do like him. I like, Bennett.
I miss him.

I think, and remember. I helped with poem once, when we met. Poem sounded nice, though I couldn't read then, but maybe I could now?

I dont have that poem, maybe I could make my own. I think.


"What is it Razor?"

"Can you write poems?"

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now