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I see Bennett leave tavern. I chase after and call name.


I catch up and grab arm. He stops. He trying to pull away his arm from me. But I wont let him.

"I'm sorry about last time Razor."

Bennett says, wont look at me. Head down. want Bennett to look at me. Want to talk.

"Do you not like me no more?" I ask Bennett.

I look down at his hand. It in fist, but no more pulling.

Bennett seems to relax. Little bit.

"I still like you Razor. You are my friend after all."

'Friend, but doesn't feel like it.'

I feel hurt by Bennett's words.

"I'm, just busy."

I want him to stay this time.

"So I can't talk to you right now."

Dont want him to leave.

"Or... talk. Okay."


My heart hurts. Bennett cant- dont want to be with me. I feel, shakey. Sad.

"I see."

I lose my grip, for Bennett to leave. But I have question, so I still hold on.

"Then tell me why busy."

I hold arm tight again.

"I- I cant." Bennett say.

So he dont want to stay. Not be my friend? But, I care for Bennett. Bennett no longer care for me?


Look up to see back of Bennett's head. I see I grabbing arm to hard and let go.

Bennett walks away. He grabs his wrist. Won't look back.

'Please stay' I want say, but cant. I hurt to much.

"Hey Razor!" Fire burny girl calls from behind me. Amber.

I look back to Bennett. He is gone now.

"Why did you come out here?"

"Wanted air. Tavern to loud." I say and look at ground.

"Well we can start to head back now, kaeya is a bit drunk and lisa is starting to shock some of the drunkards as a punishment. Jean wont be to happy about that."

Amber put arm around my shoulder, take me back to tavern.

"Let's get going"

I nod, look back again to where Bennett had been.

Sad, that he is now gone.

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now